I flew on Us Airways last week and as much as I enjoyed their employees (from reservations to flight attendants, everyone was incredibly courteous) and their prompt timing….this airline is a nut fest! I can’t imagine a nut, wheat or sesame allergic person safely flying this airline. Even though free snacks were not handed out, snacks available to purchase included bags of cashews or almonds, crackers with sesame seeds and even the potato chip choices included wheat.
photo courtesy of Surf Sweets Jelly Beans
Lord have nut Mercy! Every single snack option they offered contained a major allergen. What cracked me up to no end was the snack selection called Cafe Plus, canned chicken (oh yum), a bag of almonds, wheat crisps, chocolate chunk cookies and US Airways. Surf Sweets Jelly Beans has a brief Surf Sweets.com on the website regarding peanut and basically states that there is no way for them to not have peanuts on flight, therefore, bring your food. For non-food allergic travelers I see the benefit of nuts and crackers on longer flights, but I’m not buying the canned chicken part–not a personal favorite.
photo courtesy of our friends at Surf Sweets.com
Now, can see the irony here of including our beautiful allergen friendly Surf Sweet Jelly Beans in with the Cafe Plus box of allergen nightmares? I am thrilled to see Surf Sweets products mainstream and hope they stay there, the world should enjoy their fabulous products as much as we do.
photo courtesy of Surf Sweets Jelly Beans
I appreciated the great US Airways staff and service, but goodness, there is no way I can take my food allergic children with me on this airline!
American Airline was very rude last summer about food allergies and said William just should not fly. Of course we are about to fly with them again next month! There was no other option! Ugh! I do not like the way the airlines have gotten so very unfriendly with nut allergies!
Luann, will AA not serve nuts on the flight? So frustrating! We’re dealing with a disease here not a fussy undiagnosed, non-medical situation.
Well, Zac just traveled with Delta Airlines and they are amazing! We let them know when making reservation about his allergy, they pre boarded Zac and he was able to clean his seating area, the flight attendant checked the rows around him for peanuts,and they made an announcement!! However, that doesn’t help the many people in waiting area with peanuts. Zac turned his back for a second in SaltLake and was exposed and ended up spending night in hospital. Again, Delta shined! Zac was traveling alone back to college. They called 911, then when he was able to fly again the next day they got him right on a flight, made an amazing announcement stating his situation and that he had been hospitalized while trying to travel home and there would be NO peanut products on board. Please refrain from bringing them. Way to go Delta! I must say Delta made us a believer in them and their customer service was outstanding. also, when Zac and I traveled several years ago to Washington, they were just as helpful. They have been consistent with their guidelines. They can’t guarantee (nobody can), but they sure try to accommodate.
Oh Dori, my heart skipped a beat. I have a close friend who lives and works at the hospital in SLC, if he ever runs into trouble again, I have friends over…food allergy friends too! I’m so relieved to hear how Delta managed the situation. Bravo to Delta!
Molly & I have a similar problem when we fly -there are no safe options for us to eat because the processed foods they sell contain wheat or soy. Our recent trip was dangerous because Molly was so sick with asthma & the airline (Delta) did not have a portable nebulizer for use on the plane. However, the flight attendants & pilot were gracious & helpful. I suppose that the only caveat is to expect nothing from the airlines & consider the importance of the trip before flying.
Judie…you are right! And being as prepared as humanly possible. Poor Molly though, flying is stressful enough and then add the asthma on top. She is a very strong young woman. I heard Jet Blue is a great airline to fly with allergies. Has anyone heard anything about that airline?