These kinds donations in December do two fabulously wonderful things: first, your tax man will be happy that you have a nice deduction for him to work with and second, you are saving lives and making a difference. Of course, in my biased ways, may I suggest a donation to your favorite charity, or to be the crowning glory and donate to the FARE Las Vegas Food Allergy Walk!?!
The December donation is the win-win mother of good-things-to-do concepts; Enjoy that tax deductible year end donation while helping our food allergy or asthma/lung disease community find a cure while spreading invaluable education! What could be wrong about this? Big donation, small donation, they are all important pieces of the puzzle of finding answers, saving lives and being part of something larger than all of us and extremely important.
photo courtesy of
I have enjoyed, up close and personal, watching the changes taking place in my lovely state of Nevada. Thanks specifically to the Gordin Family (current walk chairs), FARE (formerly the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network) and many, many volunteers, who have raised insane amounts over the last few short years. Just recently, the October FAAN Walk for Food Allergies raised over 0,000 and climbing! Unprecented education and advocacy is taking place that will be used as a model for the rest of our nation. Yes, I am biased, but clearly funds donated are making a difference. Even if we don’t live in Las Vegas, the model of change will be copied around the country!
photo courtesy of
Here is a quick glance at what those amazing families have created as a direct result of kind donations…
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- “Educate Las Vegas” was born as a direct result from funds raised from the previous walk in conjunction with FARE and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC)’s Cooperative Agreement Grants.
- This program paired up FARE and the Clark County School District (CCSD) to create ground breaking programs, such as Food Allergy Management Guidelines that will take effect this Spring, being the fifth largest school district in the nation, these guidelines will serve as a model for other districts nationwide.
- “Educate Las Vegas” allowed the FARE/ CCSD team to create the first mandatory staff training video with support from the local Public Broadcasting Station (PBS).
- The team also created a formal training program for CCSD school nurses and First Aide Safety Assistants.
- “Educate Las Vegas” was uplifted by a true educator, Prinicpal Paula Naegle, who participated in FARE’s presentation of Food Allergy Management to 350 school principals.
- Each of these principals also received a copy of FARE’s School Allergy Program.
- The Equity & Diversity Education Department of CCSD hosted a 2 hour presentation at the CCSD Speaker Series session on Food Allergies and Bullying in School. Cutting edge training with Principal Naegle I might add!
- A hospital was also educated on food allergies! Think Emergency Room visits, handling of patients and staff understanding to NOT be munching on PB&J before caring for a nut allergy patient.
- Check out the Las Vegas FAAN Walk for Food Allergies Facebook page, the posts tell an amazing story of success!
Principal’s retreat…350 School Food Allergy Kits!
I only donate my time and money to organizations that I strongly believe are making a difference. Okay, I also check out their financials and insist on seeing 2-5% spent on administrative expenses. I need to see programs that are successful, and families or individuals who have been positively effected. If not, I do not support the cause. Period.
The Las Vegas FAAN Walk for Food Allergies can accept donations until December 31, 2012. They are creating the wheel of food allergy education right now so that other states do no have to re-create programs. When I see success, and quite selfishly, I want to be a part of the story with my support–large or small, every penny is valued and appreciated!
Please consider a donation to the FAAN Las Vegas Walk for Food Allergies that is making a difference and leading the charge for food allergy education and safety in schools…or to an organization that has touched your heart.
To make change, we must be the change.
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The Leonard family donated to FAAN in honor of the Moassessi family. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Thank dear kind people of Leonardland! We appreciate your thoughtful donation!!!
We will be making that last donation on behalf of all the last minute sales from our lil” SunWise sandwiches next week, Caroline! We know every dollar is well spent by FAAN!
Looking forward to an equally amazing 2013!
Go Nuts for No Nuts!!!
Gretchen…Sunwise is simply the best!!!