I truly believe I am an old lady hidden inside a middle-aged woman’s body. The other night my daughter and I reached new heights as we visited our local Yogurt Beach frozen yogurt shop as we whipped out our nut free Skeeter Snacks cookies and crumbled them on top of the safe frozen yogurt, chocolate sauce and whipping cream without a blink of embarrassment. My daughter is not allergic to peanuts and the only tree nuts in the facility are almonds, which she is not allergic to at all! Obviously, we do not trust or eat anything from a buffet (without labels to be read either) and all the toppings are served up buffet style. I had a nice little stash of Skeeters cookies ready for me to sample and blog about (thank you Skeeters for sending them over), but then went I to the stash the basket was empty! The kids ate ’em all! I had to start over and this time, I was calling the shots and I wanted to try my Skeeters cookies on frozen Kona yogurt with frozen vanilla custard! It was amazing and my new favorite dessert not made at home!!
Oh ya… a little swirl of heaven with Chocolate 3
Special note: my opinions about Skeeters are my own–Skeeters send me samples but did not request I say anything about them. I am a Skeeters fan for many nut free reasons, but my top reasons are taste and that I can buy the two cookie packs in bulk! Okay, one more reason: Skeeters was founded by two dads. Our food allergy world norm is for moms to create great products and solutions, so I’m happy to see some men folk getting involved! Bravo!
The Chocolate 3 (cubed) cookie was insanely tasty on my dessert-it was perfect with Kona and the moist cookie hit the spot! My daughter went for the traditional Chocolate Chip Chunk and my husband got bumped completely out of the picture (sorry dear-apparently sharing was absent). As we munched we decided to brainstorm all the different things we could do with Skeeter Snack cookies since we can buy the two cookie packs in larger quantity and here is what we came up with..
[unordered_list style=”star”]
- Give out for Halloween.
- Bring to School to Share.
- Store with the teacher in case my child needs a nut free snack to replace birthday cupcakes, etc.
- Keep in our pantry to share with our soccer team when celebrating something special.
- Crumble on safe ice cream or frozen yogurt.
- Crumble into a fine crust and sprinkle on a cake or top cupcakes.
- Share them at church for the coffee hour.
- Send on field trips for dessert.
- Hide in the car for “in case of cookie emergency”.
My family just adores any sort of food allergy friendly snack that we can carry in our backpacks or purses and “whip” out when needed! Thanks Skeeters for adding to our list of nut free goodies–that taste good. What are your favorite carry along allergen savvy snack?
Caroline – you are actually a 20 year old babe inside a middle-aged woman’s body!
You mean I am not channeling my inner older lady after all??
OH, that looks fabulous! You just reminded me I need to make my “safe candy” order for Halloween and we’ll give the Skeeter snacks a try. Great ideas on where to stash them too….
“In case of cookie emergency” was my favorite!