So.. as the saga continues, we’re heading into the last few days of the last quarter of the year. Dey, the makers of our beloved Epi Pens® told me that by the end of the 4th quarter there would be a substantial coupon available and an assistance program in place to help make the 2 pack affordable since the single pack is no longer being sold nationwide. Um, it’s the end of the quarter and I’m still waiting to hear about the assistance program and I understand that coupons are available from your physician if you are “cash” paying, which means that you have no insurance.
Some History on the Epi Pen® 2 pack saga:
The move to only sell the 2 pack is in response to recommendations that people with life threatening food allergies carry two Epi Pens® in the event of a biphasic reaction that might require a second dose. Studies seem to point out that up to 20% of all reactions require a second dose. Also, in my personal opinion, it is prudent to carry two doses in case the first dose is NOT given correct. I have heard stories of people having the device turned around and they ended up giving their own thumb a dose of epinephrine!
Some frustrations:
I worry that folks who have only been able to purchase a single Epi Pen® will simply not purchase any and take chances. I’m bit frustrated that the generous coupon is only for those without insurance, thus leaving folks like me, with high deductibles still in bad plus. In addition to people whose insurance will cover 2 Epi Pens®, but they require more, such as maintaining two at school and two on their child’s body?!?
Some solutions at this point in time:
It seems to me that currently, the most immediate solution is to contact your physician if you quality for the coupon, hold on tight to see what the assistance program will be and check out my Friday blog. From a reader of this blog some new solutions and ideas are blossoming!!
The cost for the Epi-pens is outrage, even with insurance. My son has life-threatening allergies to ALL nuts and sesame seeds, we do have insurance but the co-pays are high. We get 8 Epi-pens at a time, which is once a year (Thank GOD!!). I call the insurance company and ask them exactly how the prescription needs to be written in order for all 8 Epi-pens to be covered for 1 co-pay. It usually takes a nit for them to understand exactly what/why I’m asking, nut I refuse to pay more than 1 copay for the same thing.
Lisa, thanks for sharing! So, when you call the insurance company, which department do you start with? Customer Service? I am in the same boat..I buy 8 Epi Pens too, but the timing is all over the place. I need to buy two more next thanks to an expiration date and my horrible mistake of leaving my purse in the car overnight in freezing temps!
all of my epi pens are expired & have been for a year. the good news is that epinephrine has a longer shelf life than most meds. the bad news is that i am gambling w/my life. i am uninsured, but will contact Dey Pharma directly since their website doesn’t have info about assistance programs. thank you for the reminder, Caroline.
Judie, call Dr. Wilson’s office and ask for those coupons. I believe Dr. Hogan has some. Doesn’t this all just make you crazy?
will do, Caroline. i saw the next blog entry -Care Chest of NV is a great resource for everyone. there are restrictions for adults, but not children. they are always in need of diapers for humans of all sizes.
btw -don’t toss the epi pens right away. you can keep them on hand for a few months till they really expire.
I’m really excited about brainstorming with Care Chest, I had never had interaction with them until recently and they are impressive!
i’m glad that you found them!! they are dependent on cash & donations of supplies. many of our older & disabled Nevadans utilize their services. it’s unfortunate that an agency like Care Chest exists in the US, but i’ve sent many needy patients to them over the years. they might make a good guest speaker for an AAPE event.