As write this my energy for our work in the Nevada State Legislature to bring stock epinephrine to schools grew in the same way the Grinch’s heart grew at Christmas! It grew to explosive sizes! This simply needs to stop. An eleven year old Utah boy died this weekend from a reaction to a peanut allergy. The reaction took place during a play date at a neighbor’s house, his mother immediately sought medical attention and he put on an air flight to a children’s hospital, but it was too late. From the link below regarding Tanner Henstra’s Memorial, it was reported that three of his organs were donated and he saved three other lives. Just like Cameron Fiztpatrick’s peanut allergy death he is saving other lives too. But how many of these stories do we need to hear before our communities raise their awareness? Prayer and love being sent to Utah from Reno today.
photo courtesy of Giveforward
Please feel free to share your condolences and support a Memorial Fund which has been established by his aunt, at this link: Tanner Henstra Memorial Fund.
My Tanner’s memory be eternal from this tragic peanut allergy death and his family and community find peace.
p.s. Michelle Fogg, you represented our food allergy community beautifully in the interview. We are so sad this story took place but are grateful for your work. Michelle leads the the Utah Food Allergy Network.
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I spoke to my kids tonight about using their epinephine even if they are not experiencing symptoms but they know they ingested an allergen.
So, incredibly sad. Bless Tanner’s family that they find peace and courage.
Oh, no. 🙁 Breaks my heart. I really would love to stop reading about stories like this!
What makes this story so painful is watching this unfold on facebook. There a posting from a teacher at his school, people within his community church community.
The pain is so loud and clear.
so sad! 🙁
So happy you are working on this for our schools Caroline! You are such a hero!
What breaks my heart even deeper is that could this death have been avoided if access to epinephrine was available.
I will meet with an Assemblyman tomorrow and can guess what I am going to discuss?
This just breaks my heart.
Thank you for sharing Caroline! May your good work be bolstered by Tanner’s spirit.
I have to say, the person I was speaking with today had reservations about our bill and was shocked to hear kids were dying waiting for EMS. His story had a HUGE impact. Tanner is saving lives.
Terrible. 🙁 My heart is breaking.
Milk Allergy Mom, Every time I go to the Nevada State Legislature to work on Epinephrine in Nevada Bill, I say a prayer for Tanner and all the children who have died over the last two years that they are the reason we are trying to save lives in Nevada. We can’t bring them back, but we can do our best to stop this story from being told.