Oh my! This week’s Patient Speaker’s Workshop that was sponsored by the AAFA was incredible and priceless. I hope AAFA is feeling the love today. On Monday, I blogged about hitting the road, “Patient Speaker’s Workshop Here I Come!”, Now I’m home and even more inspired about advocating for food allergy, lung health and clean healthy air issues! I learned many golden nuggets of information (see below) and as a bonus, I was able to meet Colette Martin, Lisa Giuriceo and Leti Oliver–all who I have met through the internet but not face to face!
please note: Colette Martin were served up–the perfect food allergy savvy touch!
You might already know Capecci Communications of blogsite Learning to Eat Allergy-Free and author of, Hurricane Sandy. Most all, Colette is an impressive lady who was ten times more brilliant than I ever imagined. I wish I lived in her community just so we could enjoy a glass of wine on the weekends. She had great feedback and ideas during the workshop as we learned together in the same breakout session–she was one of those stand out kind of gals.
Just as fun, was finally meeting Lisa Giuriceo, who worked amazingly hard on getting food allergen safe (including Gluten Free) donations to various food banks supporting the trauma caused by Radio Disney. I mentioned her work in my blog, Hurricane Sandy, Kudos to Food Allergy Community. We also learned that this Sunday, December 9th, Lisa and her daughter will be on Lee Woodruff to raise awareness about food allergies (1560AM in NYC). If you live in the area and are up at 6am..please tune in! Leti Olivier is a food allergy Mom extraordinaire, who is a past chair of the BJ Hom Memorial Walk that I’ve seen on facebook. We got to know each other better over dinner and then during our lovely 5am shuttle ride to the airport. It was wonderful to connect with such a great woman, who was so intelligent and comes to Reno a few times a year-I can’t wait to hang out with her!
Best of all, was what I learned at this conference. My biggest take away was that to be better advocates, for anything in life, we need to be comfortable and able to tell our story. Interestingly enough, MY story, may actually be your story or someone else’s experience. I learned that what resonates to you and lights your fire for change IS your story. For example, hearing that a child died of an asthma attack in your community touched you so deeply that you are now working for clean air causes. You do not have a first hand experience of that death, but you are now committed to not seeing it happen again. Our focus was learning how to tell our story to make a difference using skills that will guide us to delivering our story authentically and effectively…to the media, groups or legislators.
Photo of workshop leader John Capecci
The workshop was led by John Capecci of Capecci Communications and Timothy Cage Communication Training of Timothy Cage Communication Training –two communication experts extraordinaire! We left the workshop with our new communications bible in hand, Lee Woodruff. I already started reading the book and it is well written, offers worksheets to help organize thoughts and has enjoyed praise from our beloved AAFA’s (love her books and blog–now there is a story to hear)!
I truly appreciated AAFA progressive belief that if advocates and staff know how to communicate their story, key messages and call to action, the impact of our hard work will be doubled. I think back to the various times I’ve testified and/or advocated and realized I could have shared my information more efficiently and with bigger impact. I feel like I’ve been let in on a secret and now I will be able to make a larger difference!
Thank you AAFA for providing me with this wonderful learning experience. I am even more inspired as we work on school access to stock epinephrine legislation and now have a better idea of how I will continue my work for clean healthy air in Nevada!!!
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Caroline, it was so great meeting you (and Lisa, Leti, and all the other fabulous leaders in the food allergy that we spent the day with). As I looked at your blog post I thought — how come we didn’t think to take a picture of all of us together??? Next time…
I know! Can you believe I forgot photos of us??? Hum…must have been my focus on having that glass of wine and chicken!
Great post! It was an amazing workshop, and so nice to meet so many other “momvocates!” I’m
Going to add your blog to my reader. 🙂
Yay Amber, so good to hear from you! Okay, we have new term ala Amber Momvocates!!! It was great meeting you too!!! Travel home safe and sound?
Caroline, it was wonderful to finally meet you. Thank you for all you do. It was wonderful to meet such a great group people. I am so fortunate that we all working for the same cause.
Oh Lisa…THANK YOU for what you do for everyone on the East Coast…Wow, your work on Hurricane Sandy is amazing. I am so inspired that I know we can make a difference and find therapies or a cure–with a small army like ours–surely we’ll find solutions!
I love “momadvocates.” It was Tim’s and my pleasure meeting and working with you all! We’re honored to be part of your support team and look forward to hearing continued reports of the good and important work you do.
Hi John, you are on my list to email…thank you for a VERY INSPIRING workshop. I love that term too…you know I’m going to blog on it! You truly are a passionate professional who can deliver. Already I have friends ordering your book. Thank you again and again your work makes a difference too.