Thanks to Circle of Moms, I discovered another wonder website: A Gift of Miles. Kristin Beltaos is a life coach who specializes in food allergies, reproductive stress, stress management and general life coaching. Recently she blogged about her son who was bullied, with food, by another food allergic student at his school while sitting at the allergy table! A nut allergic child bullied a dairy allergic child with cheese to be precise. How does that happen???
Thankfully, the two students being bullied were not harmed. Immediate action and steps were taken by the school to educate all of the parties involved. What caught my attention was that the bully–using food–was a food allergic student himself. Read the blog for yourself: “No Bullying: Educating Children About Food Allergies”, by Kristin Beltaos.
I felt like someone tossed a bowl of cold water on my face and shouted, “wake up girl, food allergy education includes EVERYONE”. When you read the story, you’ll see that the food allergic bully was simply following what the child sitting next to him was doing. To be brief and not ruin your reading of the article, a non-allergic guest at the table bullied one of the food allergic children. The kid sitting next to him follows suit. The problem: the child following along has a nut allergy himself! Oops. The lesson I walked away with was that we can not assume our food allergic kids are not above bullying and we need to include them in our education of bullying and bullying with foods.
Thanks Kristin for sharing your story with us and especially for your positive attitude and highlighting the resolution for this bullying with food incident.
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Girl…I never knew that you wrote this about me! Forgive me for not thanking you sooner! I hope to see you again soon! : )
Haha! The love always flows your way.