Thank you everyone for patience with my website’s technical problems! I’m almost back to normal. Although, I did loose my subscriber ability yesterday, so if you subscribe, you might have missed my Hurricane Sandy and Food Allergy post. After reading so many amazing Facebook posts, I have to give HUGE kudos to our food allergy community living through loss of power, loss of access to safe foods and devastation. I truly can not begin to walk in their footsteps, even though I keep my pantry as full as possible in regards to Emergency Preparedness with Food Allergies , I am in awe.
As I attempted to walk in their boots, I realized that even though I have plenty of food, such as Sunbutter, Ritz crackers, bread, canned tuna, cereal, etc., ready and waiting. The thought of being able to prepare and eating these items for days, in the cold while stressed was simple daunting. Then I imagined being displaced from my home and possibly these staples and now scouring the area for safe foods. It was at that moment in time that I was truly humbled by the magnitude of planning for disaster, but then actually walking the talk and living through it while keeping myself or my family safe with life threatening food allergies.
I was humbled and grateful even deeper when I thought about all the amazing food allergy advocates who-without hesitation-pushed through their own challenges of living in affected areas to reach out bring awareness and solutions to those with food allergies, Celiac disease and special dietary needs! Bravo and ladies and gentlemen! I know I am missing folks (so please feel the gratitude and love too), but from the list I am aware of at this point in time; thank you to Lisa Giuriceo of the Food Allergy and Asthma Support Group of North Jersey, Cristina Ippolito Stainkamp from Protect Allergic Kids, Allergic Girl and Gluten Free Fun (Erin Smith) for pushing out there and organization groups, donations and information to help folks find help. Even more important; guiding others towards how to help!
Thank you Food Allergic Community for reaching out during Hurricane Sandy Relief!
To help…check out yesterday’s blog: Food Allergy Support for Sandy
p.s. A quick update: Allergy Apparel just announced a great program: Super Heroes Vs. Super Sandy Hurricane. Place an order this week and Allergy Apparel will donate 15% of your order to the American Red Cross (Sandy Relief) AND give you free shipping!! I just those gals at Allergy Apparel!
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I’m still catching up on your posts, Caroline. This is a subject not often catered to via the American Red Cross or local Food Banks. It’s a daunting task, but one that requires the assistance of neighbors & strangers, alike. Thank you for opening our minds.
It’s interesting Judie, AAPE has a line into our local Food Bank, but not truly addressing gluten allergies. I think the key is to approach the Red Cross and other entities before disaster strikes.