I just love this positive tag line…”injecting hope into the world of food allergies…and beyond” from the Epi Family! Sometimes I just sigh and think, “do I really want to deal with (insert situation here)? Such as, an upcoming school camping trip for my son over Epi Family. It is optional, so I am waiting to hear his thoughts. If wants to attend, then begins the process of managing food allergy safe meals during the trip. Injecting hope and a little extra energy is just what I need today. I’ll be dealing with a new set of teachers, but the same administrators that helped with a previous over night trip. Thinking of Epi Family words I realized that they also sell via Epi Family, red and green food label stickers, which may help make the trip planning a little easier! Note: Epi Family Esty website is reading this at the same time you are, they received my order last night-my goal is to share things that I discover that might help you along your journey of managing food allergies or asthma.
image courtesy of Epi Family
In the past, I’ve used big red dots and green dots to mark safe and unsafe foods. I bought huge giant rolls in each color (we’re talking 1,000 stickers in each roll) from a company that sells grocery bags. Alas, my last red sticker was used a few months ago. My son is fourteen years old now, reads labels, packs his own lunches as well as my tree nut allergy nine year old daughter. The need for our stickers has just be void the last few years. I used this system for identifying safe snacks at school, at friend’s houses, etc. My friends would stock “safe” foods with green stickers on them so if I son bopped by for a visit, it was a no brainer on what to feed him.
These were my old dots that I purchased about ten years ago!
Although, for this camping trip, my son could benefit from the red/green stickers concept! I can pop them onto items containing dairy that may get over looked. Normally, the school just says, “no nuts or sesame please” since these are his most severe allergens. Dairy can be hidden in lunch meats, crackers, pasta sauce, etc. I visited the the Epi Family yesterday and ordered up some NOT SAFE RED stickers (you can order Green SAFE FOR stickers too). Actually, the customer purchases Avery stickers, which I have already purchased from Office Depot, and then Epi Family will send me an e-proof of the customized stickers with my son’s name and his allergens. Once approved, I will receive a PDF of the finished product and will be able to print out from my own color printer as needed.
Awesome! LOVE THIS! So sharing! 🙂 Thank you!
Epi Family’s green dots are far cuter and are a true aide since they list the person’s name and what they are allergic to. Can’t wait to print mine out!
You know, I think our pharmacies and allergist’s/doctor’s offices should know about these. Maybe even specialty stores, too. They would be so helpful to parents, if they knew were to look for them! My mom works as a receptionist at a doctor’s office. I am going to ask her if they would consider having a list of allergy resources for their patients that need them. It would be a place to start. 🙂
Julie, you are on it! Great idea! I will share too with my allergist! Actually, he just asked me to create a list of Epi Pen accessories, so I will share thanks to your good idea! Labeling items is a fabulous resource.
Wonderful! I will definitely be talking with her later about it. I don’t even mind putting together the info. 🙂 I just think that getting the word out is what is important, ya know?
What an honor! You are too sweet to share my Food Allergy Alert Stickers! And I must say, I had lots of trouble coming up with a “tag line” for the blog that truly embodied what I wanted my blog to be. My incredible husband came up with “Injecting Hope Into the World of Food Allergies and Beyond” and I feel like it fits what we all try to do each and every day!
I hope you like the stickers and I hope it helps for his upcoming trips! We love the red/green labels here (obviously). 🙂 They have become such a help to others who come in and try to navigate food labels for my boys.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend!!
I was just about to visit your blog to let you know I wrote about you! I guess great minds think alike?
I really just enjoy that tag line so much! I keep it tucked into my head all the time. Hope is exactly what we all need, all the time when things pile up.
I just updated my post moments ago reminding folks that you didn’t even know I wrote this post and are reading it along with them.
I really felt using the stickers had an impact and I really admire that you took it a step farther!
Have a great weekend too!
I think you guys are on to something! That has been my biggest complaint since our diagnosis (and one of the many reasons that I started to blog) – I didn’t know what to do next following our diagnosis. There is such a need for newly diagnosed families, all families really.
Also, should mention that I am actually dong a giveaway for these custom stickers and it ends tonight at 8pm EST. Here is the link where you can enter to win the custom stickers and a set of Avery labels to get you going. 🙂
We should totally come up with a list of Managing Food Allergies – The Essentials! 🙂
Thanks for sharing your give-away!
Totally sharing the giveaway! 🙂
Great idea. I am going to repost this as soon as I can get through my emails.
Ah, getting through the emails is tough! What a crazy week!
Am I reading right that you have to print them on your own printer? Yikes! I hate printing in color…$$$!
Yes, but I recently printed out some stickers at my local Office Depot for the cost of 59 cents per sheet since I provided the sheets. If not, the cost would be 79 cents. Since I have a black and white printer, I simply email my files to office depot and they simple print them out.
What a cleaver idea! I bet it also helps with “He ate my snack!”
It really is a great idea. One of my favorites to date! Especially for me, who does not wake up with spring from my bed at 6am.