I sometimes think folks forget our powerful we can be when we work together. Over the next couple of months, the American Lung Association (ALA) will be hosting a series of National Call In Days. Now, if you are unfamiliar, a National Call In Day is just that! We all pick up the phone on the same day and call our government officials to tell them what we need. I called the White House last December and it took less that two minutes. The good news is that our government was flooded with calls and they helped to nudge the EPA to support soot laws!
The power of your finger is pretty darn impressive when you combine it with your voice. So, here is the scoop on how to participate:
[unordered_list style=”green-dot”]
- Mark Your Calender for the dates listed below
- Check back onto this website and my blog post for that day will provide instructions.
- The instructions will be the phone number or directions to your State’s leaders
- An outline of the issue and what to say will be posted too
- You can also sign up for the American Lung Association Action Network to receive alerts of call in days, etc.
Photo courtesy of the American Lung Association
The bottom line is that our legislators must to hear what the people need. Even though high paid lobbyist are sometimes working against our efforts, no matter what, our legislators represent us to tell them exactly what we need and why. Otherwise, they are receiving their information from paid lobbyist, not the citizens. Our friends at the American Lung Association shared, “The very first call in day will focus around the threat looming budget cuts present to lung health and our mission. This letter was sent to Congress in November where these concerns are highlighted. This issue is timely and of the six issues, most salient for Lung Association volunteers and staff”.
Here is another great link for the LUNG HEALTH CALL IN DAYS
February 20 Don’t Let Congress Send our Lungs Off the Fiscal Cliff
March 6 Healthy Air – TBA
March 20 Tobacco Control – TBA (to coincide with Advocacy Day)
April 10 Lung Cancer Research Funding for National Institute of Health
May 8 Supporting the National Asthma Control Program at Centers for Disease Control
June 12 COPD (issue tied in with COPD and women disparities report to be released this spring)
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EVOWv2LS4CM]
I’m always hopelessly biased regarding the work of the American Lung Association as I sit on my local board, my regional Southwest board and two National Committees. I’m a highly committed volunteer since I have first hand experience and benefited from the many local programs offered in my town (Asthma Camp and Open Airways for Schools). In addition, I personally support clean indoor and outdoor air in additional to clean sustainable energy–two other entities that ALA works towards.
Do you have some dates when we’re needed at the NV Legislature, Caroline? Bills regarding asthma, breathing, food allergy, etc are all relevant & we’re happy to join you.
Oh Judie you are on the top of my list to call when we head to Carson
We were in Carson City on Monday to show support for a sex trafficking bill (I wish we could’ve done more). Molly & I look forward to helping. Our lungs are very important.