Confession time: I’ve blogged about clean air and asthma in Asthma symptoms: 3 Polluted Air tips but only focused on keeping poor outdoor air quality outside. I overlooked mentioning one critical topic: maintaining, clean indoor air quality at all times. It’s not a great idea to wait for a wildfire or heavy pollution day to consider the air quality inside your home or workplace. This concept swung back around and bit me a few months ago when maintenance of my home’s indoor air quality dropped out of site. Did you know that we spend 90% of our time indoors? My faux pas impacted my health and horror of horrors: my sleep! Once I dealt with one major correction to my home, maintenance of my indoor air quality has been effective, affordable and easy!
Image courtesy of Sweet Crisis via
Top Image of Green House Icon courtesy of Ponsulak via
Last winter, after landing back in Reno from Mylan Blogger’s Summit, my lungs felt as if they had been run over by a truck as my cold grew into something brutal. The following day, I was officially diagnosed with asthma! I had spent years focusing on my children’s health while ignoring my own (that’s a whole other blog topic). With a few asthma medications in hand, I immediately gained control of my symptoms by follow-up visit time. Only, I still was congested and was convinced that my snoring was going to crack my walls. My allergist concluded that my very old and dirty HVAC system and air filtration could be the problem: pollutants, dust and dirt were most likely flowing into my home and reeking havoc. I had explained that we were finally having the system updated in the spring and that about 30% of the old ducts would be replaced. She explained I would most likely improve with better air ventilation. I needed clean indoor air!
I felt silly that my home’s poor indoor air quality was making me sick and contributing to my poor sleep too. Unfortunately, the up keep of my HVAC system-including the air filters-clean slid right off my radar. The ducts in our HVAC system were replaced 100%, not 30% as predicted, since the ducts were filled, at some points, 1 inch deep full of dust, pollens and pollutants and cracked in some places! The workers were appalled when they told me what they found. I was disgusted and shocked-no wonder I was so congested. Even worse, my son was always congested too! My old HVAC air filters were incredibly filthy at every change–even though we changed them every 1-2 months or so (another confession: sometimes we would forget). I soon learned that using a high-efficiency air filter is one of the least expensive and most effective things you can do to improve the quality of the air in your home–of course, once I addressed an HVAC system that is older my married nephews.
I had always focused on keeping good clean indoor air quality by…
[unordered_list style=”tick”]- never allowing anyone to smoke in or on my property (even construction workers during our remodel)
- not allowing pets in our home –our cockatiels were moved over grandpa’s house due to flying feathers
- clean floors regularly to remove surface allergens
- keeping windows closed in the morning when trees and plants were pollinating
- removing shoes before entering the house so that we’re dragging into dust, dirt and pollens
- only using organic, non-fragrance soaps, laundry detergents, etc.
- keeping fire-place and fragrant candle use down
- changing our HVAC air filters every month–see below for information on a new AAFA certified air filter and discount code
- using low or no VOC paint
image courtesy of the Allergy and Asthma Foundation of Amercia
Thankfully, once the new system was finally installed, I noticed a difference. I was snoring less, sleeping better and my congestion had eased up. We were on the road to success. We now faithfully change our HVAC air filters monthly and follow the steps mentioned above. When I ordered the new Lysol Air Filters, I realized that I didn’t know what sizes I needed. I am the self-appointed queen of family health, yet I had relinquished air filters duty to my husband? Five minutes, a step stool and a tape measure is all I needed to place my order and take back that duty. The Lysol Air Filters, caught my attention when I read that they were the first air filter to receive the Asthma and Allergy Certification from my beloved Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA)! The Certification Program independently tests products that might be suitable for people living with allergies and asthma. As many of you already know, I adore AAFA and what they do for our allergy and asthma world. The Asthma and Allergy Certification link on the AAFA website is an interesting link to explore-it’s a great link that I’ve enjoyed for years. You can find asthma and allergy friendly suggestions for stuffed animals, bedding and now air filters.
image courtesy of Lysol Air Filters
The Asthma and Allergy Certification program highlighted that the Lysol Air Filters, reduce pollen by 95%, dust mites by 92% and pet dander by 85%. Dust is one of my worst allergens, so this is very appealing to me! You can visit Lysol Air Filters, to sign up for free filter change reminders, coupons and more information. In the spirit of supporting Gratefulfoodie readers, Lysol will offer readers a 25% discount PLUS free shipping-simply use promo code: Caroline at Buy when you place your order. Okay, I just have to say I’ve never had “my own” coupon code, so I’m dying to place order just to use my name (yup, it doesn’t take much to tickle me).
My husband liked all the information on the packaging that he had me take a picture of it! Just when I think he is so sophisticated I am reminded that he is quite goofy.
I hope that you too stay healthy and happy while remembering the importance of clean, indoor air quality! My family’s health has definitely changed for the better now that we solved some issues that slipped through the cracks-literary!
special note: Lysol is an underwriter of this post. I would not accept a sponsor if I did not 100% believe the product might be of help to our community. I was thrilled to write this post due to my own experience of not paying good attention to clean indoor air quality that cost me lost much sleep, poor health and caused my son to be chronically congested. Also, I like my Lysol Air Filters and am very pleased. It is my personal belief that we all must pay close attention to both the outdoor and indoor air quality and limit pollution inside and outside our homes.
You are the clean air queen my dear! I just received something about a top notch new air filter, I’ll have to share.
These Lysol ones are doing us good. Although, I’m biased due to the AAFA certification. I’ve used their program before to check out stuffed animals for you know who Alisa!
Indoor air quality is so important, especially for those who are suffering. Thanks for the tips. Having a great air filtration system is great for peace of mind as well!
The saying goes, If you can’t breathe, nothing else matters.
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