The only thing missing from this carnival is my beloved corn dog. Welcome to September’s Living with Food Allergies Blog Carnival! The purpose of this blog event is to introduce our food allergy community to the many wonderful blogs that live our there in cyber land in one monthly full swoop! We have a very nicely diverse assortment of entertaining, informative and valuable reading here.
So, grab a cup of tea or glass of wine and some quiet time and enjoy September’s Living with Food Allergies Blog Carnival…
Embracing Food Allergies as Gift
Tracy, who hosts Persnickety’s, honestly and openly shares the first five stages of her life traveled upon after living with food allergies became a reality in her family. “Peril Free Potlucking” ” describes how her life (and you’ll relate) unfolded from overwhelming despair to a life well lived. Her attitude of finding the silver lining in her new life style and her honest discuss of meltdowns are just spot on. Personally, I really enjoyed her third stage: The Neurotic Allergic Person-she is funny but described exactly what most of us went through or continue to go through!
Dating with a Nut Allergy
Okay, I’m fully convinced that this blog was submitted just for me! My son just announced last night that he has invited a girl to lunch (he is in high school) for his first date ever! It’s A Hard Nut Life provides a fabulous easy to read and relate to tips for dating with a food allergy in, “Dating with a Nut Allergy #2-Going Out for a Meal.” Of course, you want to know what was said in, “Dating with a Nut Allergy #1-Kissing.” Thanks for writing this “just for my son.”
Peril Free Potlucking
I really enjoyed reading about Jillian, author of Stacy Molter perspective regarding her own experience at a potluck, but more interesting, her exploration of eating at the homes of friends. One point she mentioned was whose responsibility is it to provide a safe and enjoyable environment? The host or the guest. This has always been on my mind. Food Allergies and the Challenges of Families,”will leave you thinking about your own approach to potlucks and maybe a tad hungry too.
The Challenges of Family Visits
Food Allergy Buzzdives right into that murky area of dealing with our family members and food allergies. I think most of us have been there: you’re at a relative’s house and the dessert comes out…covered in peanuts. You freeze, your food allergic child is utterly confused as to why Auntie is serving up a plate of death when she promised safe treats. In “Food Allergy Friendly Pet Food: Yay or Nay? Stacey raises the question about when is it time to stop the family visits.
Even though teething may seem a tad off topic from food allergies, nevertheless, our children deal with it and I know that after my food allergic son was born, I was much more cautious about anything that went into my newborn daughter’s mouth than my son! Therefore, I found, Food Allergy Buzz” noteworthy for those avoiding using foods to help with teething! Thanks Food Allergy Friendly Pet Food: Yay or Nay? sharing the link.
Mile High with Food Allergies
“You tell me – would you prefer your flight be landed so someone can go to the hospital if it meant you could eat peanuts, or would you rather eat something else?” This sentence just struck me. Cindy, from AllergyEpisodes shares her blog post, “Flying with Food Allergies”. She is quite witty and uses humor to get her point across regarding flying with food allergies. Although, if you think about serving peanuts a mile high, the cost of dealing with a food allergy is really very sobering. Cindy has a point, landing a plane and calling emergency services would clearly have a rippling effect on travelers on that plane and all the other flights that would be disturbed due to the emergency landing. She also shared her Starbucks experience in, “Food Challenge Round 6: Cindy Vs. Coffee,” she is quite funny and honest as she moves through food allergies in her life.
Food Allergy Friendly Pet Food: Yay or Nay?
I think Jennifer from My Sweet William, nailed this one on the head! For years, a family near and dear to our hearts would actually make their pet’s food from scratch to avoid food allergens since their little poodle could never resist licking my son. Lunch Box Stories,” asks us to toss in our two cents and opinion if companies should begin to address this market. Even though we only have fish and birds, trying to find food allergen free pet food has been tough.
Sweet William
Elizabeth, author of the Food Allergy Assistant shares the cutest photo of her food allergic son. Even though she wrote about William’s Food Allergies in, “Peanut Allergy Immunotherapy Has Arrived “” I peeked around her blog and found a wealth of great information about topics that personally interest me, such as Arsenic being found in rice! We moved from living off of a well to city water due to high arsenic levels. Being big rice eaters too, this really grabbed my attention!
Lunch Box Stories
I am a biased fan of the “Auvi-Q: the FDA Approves Talking Epinephrine Injector,”blog site. So, being biased I need to share that Lindsey’s lunch solution in, “The Allergy Mom Chronicles is a winner. Although, I like a woman who can publicly admit that she packed a shot glass in her child’s lunch box!
Advocacy and Stock Epinephrine
Last month, in the 11th hour, Homa from OhMahDeehness stepped up to the plate in Nevada and testified on behalf of parents statewide needing stock epinephrine in schools. I could not attend the hearing, but watched along from my computer at home. Homa patiently waited out the entire day’s work session before she spoke so beautifully, representing us perfectly. We texted through out the day and I was inspired by her “I’m not giving up” attitude that shined through brilliantly. Homa, bravo and thank you! Her blog post,” My Prepared Statement About Stock Epinephrine Presented to the Nevada Legislative Committee on Healthcare Today“, provides an excellent guideline to presenting intelligent and well organized testimony.
Peanut Allergy Immunotherapy Arrives
Joanne,Learning to Eat Allergy-Freegets deep and personal by sharing with us her recent news: her child’s allergy office is now offering Sublingual Immunotherapy and she has begun research to see if this is an option for her family. In, How to Use Quick Rising Yeast” Joanne begins to sort out the questions that need to be asked and then addressed. It will be very interesting to see how her choices unfold and what decision and commitment will be made.
Speak to me: Talking Epinephrine Auto-Injectors
This has been one of the best blog posts I’ve read providing as many details as possible about the Auvi-Q epinephrine auto-injector that will hopefully be in our hot little hands by mid November. In Learning to Eat Allergy-Free How to Use Quick Rising Yeast” (Christy), does some great homework and provides possible highlights about this new product-down to how the injector will fit into our pockets!
The Bakers Corner…
Pumpkin Pie Delights (and they’re peanut and tree nut free)
Kimberly, a.k.a. The Food Allergy Mom, brings us fall by way of yummy looking nut free individual pumpkin pie desserts. Her blog post, “Peanut and Nut-free Mini Pumpkin Pie Delights,” provides a clear and detailed recipe to dazzle our Thanksgiving Day tables.
Learn How to Use Quick Rising Yeast-the fast and easy choice for gluten-free baking
Colette, author of Learning to Eat Allergy-Free, offers us this little gem when baking gluten-free: use quick rising yeast! It doesn’t stop there…her blog, “How to Use Quick Rising Yeast” is actually a short and extremely informative video. If you are a baker or a wanna be baker…watch the video. I don’t bake gluten-free (I’m not good at it) but from watching her video I learned why my wheat bread was flat this summer!
Finding Gluten free, egg free and dairy free breakfast foods on Pintrest!
carnival submission form is needless to say a cheery blogspot where Courtney is sharing with us a nice little round-up of breakfast foods she discovered on Pintrest that meet her family’s needs for gluten-free, egg free and dairy free food. In spirit of meeting everyone’s needs and mostly, the kill the breakfast doldrums, she created this interesting list of goodies in, blog carnival index page.
Thanks for joining our September Living with Food Allergies Blog Carnival and please share this post and Carnival with others!
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Submit your blog article to the next edition of living with food allergies carnival using our . Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.
Thank you so much for hosting this month! It looks like it’s chock-ful of interesting reads!
You are welcome! Some of these posts were very timely for me!
Check out my new post for teens with allergies!
Leo thanks for the heads up on the post. I really liked your dating stuff!
Thanks! It’s all just written about personal experience and I thought that others would find it useful. Also I hope your son’s date went well!
Thanks so much for including my little blog! We are reaching out to parents of kiddos with food allergies to let them know they can live the food allergy life with a smile. We’ve even been nominated to be one of the top 25 food allergy blogs. If you’d like to vote please visit and vote daily!
You are very welcome!
I hope you are enjoying a nice fall weekend too!
Great job presenting the September Food Allergy Carnival! I think you took it up a notch.
I just linked to it for my readers:
This is very fun and eye opening being exposure to so many different ideas and view points.
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