Let’s here it for last minute prep! Here are some down and dirty dieas for items available in grocery stores for your Easter Baskets (some online, but if you are Greek Orthodox too–our Easter is next Sunday, so we are still good)…
[unordered_list style=”star”]
- Post It Notes in wild colors, shapes or Designs
- Mechanical Pencils
- Highlighters
- Desk Supplies
- Nut free or food allergy friendly Candies and Snacks (see my Easter Candy blog, my Peanut Free Easter Candy Blog and Capt’n Crunchshopping guide for ideas)
- Peep Easter Basket–they deserve their own star
- Nut free or food allergy friendly cereals that you normally don’t buy. Capt’n Crunch is sometimes brought in by the Easter Bunny)
- Any food allergy friendly item that your child or friend loves! My son used to crazy over canned Lima beans (don’t ask), so friends would bring him cans of the stuff!
- Funky Band-Aids with fun designs
- Bright colored socks
- Special breakfast table setting complete with Easter or spring themed place mats, napkins or glassware.
For a cool Allergen Free Egg Hunt: A Glow In the Dark Easter Egg Hunt!
Have a wonderful Easter!!!!
great ideas & suggestions, Caroline!! too much of our culture revolves around food -for many of us, this leads to unhealthy situations like obesity & allergic reactions. it’s time we began to change our behaviors & holidays are a great time to start.
ANYTHING from Office Depot is welcomed! A kid in Leila’s class was asking if I would bring highlighters when we celebrate Leila’s birthday in May. As funny as it sounded, I was so pleased that the kids were maybe moving back to how we used to celebrate: cupcakes for birthdays at home with the family! I think cupcakes at school almost take away the special value placed on cupcakes or cake at home. Nevertheless, we love Post Its and mechanical pencils! Happy Easter!
Christos Anesti!
Love from Cheryl, John, Ben