No matter where I travel, I’m forever on the prowl for a new cooking gadget. I love all gadgets and now I justify my purchases by proclaiming that “my newest” gadget will propel my food allergy friendly cooking to new heights! This weekend I found this little gem in my Hobby Farm Home Magazine.
A French-style green been slicer available at! Of course, how have I been living without this? Besides offering this interesting little gadget is simply interesting. This slicer can be found listed under supplies and harvest helpers along with Mr. Pea Sheller and the Little Stripper Popcorn Sheller (yes, make your own popcorn kernels)! Their main business is plant and vegetable seeds.
Side bar: If you are embrace sustainable, lean, green & mean living, you’ll quickly discover how Hobby Farm Home magazine is truly the original natural living publication. I have picked up an amazing amount of sustainable ideas, recipes, homemade gifts suggestions and how to’s here in this simple magazine. The recipes never fail and I anxiously await each issue! Okay, I do live on one acre, but recently gave up our chickens…for now (but shhh, don’t tell my husband I said that).
In all seriousness, my goal has always been to dish up fabulously tasty food allergy friendly recipes and treats that leave the other kids asking for the peanut-tree nut-dairy-egg and sesame seed FREE foods. It’s half culinary manipulation to prove my never-ending point that eating within food allergy limitations are perfectly fine and half that I really love cooking gadgets and interesting food.
Do you have a favorite kitchen gadget that dazzles food allergy friendly and safe foods you can share with us?
Happy Monday to you!!-Caroline
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What a great gadget! My recent favorite is the Kuhn Rikon julienne peeler. I love it! I’ve been using it to make zucchini “pasta” Last night we had spicy shrimp (well, vegetarian fake shrimp) on zucchini pasta. So good! And so guilt free!
Nancy can you share that recipe??? I’m intrigued with the zucchini pasta. We’re growing zucchini this summer and usually are up to our eye balls in it. I have that peeler and have used it on carrots.