The World Allergy Awareness Week– a World Federal of Allergy, Asthma and Clinical Immunology Societies has designated this week as the official action plans ! The global challenges when managing food allergies really woke me up to realize how rough this disease can be in other countries. This week all over our planet, 93 national Member Societies, will address the topic of “Food Allergy – A Rising Global Health Problem”. epinephrine auto-injectorsinforms us that globally, 220-250 million people may suffer from food allergies. Yikes–that is a lot of folks! I read the World Allergy Week Press Release and it is just fascinating.
One of the main goals of action plans is to simply raise awareness, but what I found stunning was their mention in the press release that several countries have food allergy action plans for managing food allergies, but no access to epinephrine auto-injectors. Hum, as much as I whine about the pricing of epinephrine auto-injectors in the United States, I am lucky to have access. It was good for me to step outside of myself and look at this global issue. It reminded me as to why we are all doing what we do…pushing for a better quality of life for our communities who manage life threatening food allergies, asthma and other immunological diseases.
What does this all mean to us? I’m interpreting action plans as a time to step back to be grateful for what I have access to (epinephrine auto-injectors, internet, emergency services, etc.) and to commit to educating someone new in my community.
Thank you for your committment.
Kathryn, thank you for being part of our community. We all seem to be committed in quiet and loud ways. Happy Monday!