This resource was enough for me to skip baking cake to sit down and read more about Connection Cards. Those busy school nurses over at the National Association of School Nurses have really stepped up the life threatening allergy and anaphylaxis educational resources several notches. Thanks to a grant from Mylan® the makers of Epi Pen®, this new resource called Connection Cards: Saving Lives at School Cards and it’s companion guide, Saving Lives at School Handbook was recently created and introduced online. This resource is actually a set of downloadable cards that are meant to be printed out and laminated. Their purpose is to create conversation between school nurses and parents, allergic students, teachers and staff regarding the management of life threatening allergies and anaphylaxis. The handbook seems to be designed to support the card system with deeper explanations and links to more resources.
image courtesy of Master Isolated Images via
I just had this conversation yesterday with a friend about how sometimes it is hard for folks to get the allergy conversation going! I was stunned when I learned on Facebook today about Connection Cards. Wow. An entire program created to get the conversation going. The cards are divided into four categories of “discussions”. For example, one question from the nurse reflection stack is, “How do you think a parent of a child with life threatening allergy feels when they bring their child to school for the first time?” Or, from the question time stack, “What is the difference between a mild reaction and anaphylaxis?”
image courtesy of National Association of School Nurses
The Four Categories of Discussion Questions
[unordered_list style=”green-dot”]- Let’s Talk
- Question Time
- Action Item
- School Nurse Reflection
[unordered_list style=”star”]
Saving Lives Cards (downloadable PDF
Please share these links for Connection Cards with your school. They may find them helpful, at worst, you’ve just started a nice conversation regarding heading back to school with life threatening allergies and anaphylaxis!
Thank you NASN for taking another step deeper into the commitment of saving lives of children with Life Threatening Allergies and Anaphylaxis!!!
The links are not working for me. I will again later through a different search engine.
Hi Kathryn, I am using firefox and the links are coming up. I can download them as PDF files to my site in addition to links too for you.
Let me know if that works.
Kathryn, I stand corrected! I am not able to add the downloadable PDF–the file is too large! I’m sorry!