“Food allergy sufferers run their own life-long marathon, a marathon that challenges them to stay focused on the potential threat from every meal, every single day. While 26.2 miles is a long race, it’s nothing compared to the lifetime of vigilance required to ensure no cross-contamination or ingredient mistakes as well as to always be prepared by carrying epinephrine at all times”–Duane Gordin. Duane has way too much energy is all I have to say! Not only did he recently run a marathon dedicated to food allergies, he is co-chair of the Las Vegas Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network Walk for Food Allergy (October 6th, 2012) and will be hosting about 2,000 of us in less than two weeks!
Duane’s motivation was key individual families and food allergy sufferers who provided the inspiration to complete specific miles in the race. “I dedicated several miles to individual Food Allergy sufferers I know and also dedicated specific miles to all 15 million Americans with food allergies,” explained Duane. I think it is very nifty (haven’t heard that word in a while?) that Duane connected his physical and emotional journey to folks he knew and folks that he doesn’t need to know face to face, but folks that he knows from being connect via life threatening food allergies.
I just can’t get over that Duane and his wife Dana work all year long creating the largest and most successful food allergy awareness event in the state of Nevada and Duane has to squeeze in a little 26.2 mile run just before the October Walk. Really? Doesn’t sleep mean anything these days? In all seriousness, I applaud Duane for his dedication and commitment to his family and food allergy community. Duane also works with his local school system and basically anyone not moving fast enough to ensure our children with life threatening food allergies are safe and are able to enjoy a normal childhood.
Here is my shameful plug now for the Walk: You can Donate to Duane’s Walk team, TEAM GORDIN ANAPHYLAXIS AVENGERS! Duane’s team, as of last night, is a mere $5.25 away from his fundraising goal of $4,000. Can someone skip Starbucks and donate to Duane and let’s push him over the $4,000? Gratefulfoodie has a virtual team, but Duane has the super cool team that will actually do some walking!
Congratulations Duane on completing your marathon and for all the good work you do in Nevada! Hum..guess I am a tad biased!
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Good physical health is imperative for our kiddos with autoimmune disorders like asthma & food allergies. Support from you (and your blog), as well as agencies like FAAN & ALA benefit all of us. Duane & his team empower our children, too!!
Duane is a really a super cool guy…you would love him Judie! As you have lived it, good health makes a difference in our world.