This weekend, a friend in Colorado is ready to evacuate with her food allergic and asthmatic son as wildfires rage close to her home. We’re all keeping her family in our thoughts and prayers as we hope the fire is contained soon. This inspired me to direct you to my blog: Ready to Evacuate in which I talk about my family managing an Emergency Kit in our pantry of safe foods and an Asthma shelf in our closet where we store all our medications.
Basically, I have created a shelf that can be dumped into a fabric shopping or duffel bag in one fell swoop of the arm. For greater detail, read my guest blog for the Sunbutter website: Food Allergy and Asthma Emergency Kit . We live in an area where two wild fires took place within this last year post fire season! We were all very surprised but it was a good reminder for me that if we jump into the car and take off, finding safe foods and asthma medications will only increase our already high stress levels.
…simply be prepared for fires, earthquakes, floods or any other natural disaster than can occur in your area. Mom was right with better safe than sorry. We are in fire season now with our fingers crossed that we will not need to evacuate this summer.
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what a great idea & reminder, Caroline!! the only thing i can offer is to check medication & food expiration dates periodically and update the medication & contact list everyone carries, too.
EXCELLENT point Judie. I have opened up a jar of expires soy nut butter before. It wasn’t pretty. I just can’t believe fire season is here since I never felt like it left last winter! Ugh.
Reno never really had an end to the fire season of 2011. devastation hit all winter long -in your neighborhood. i’m glad that you posted this blog content on your FB page. it might make a good topic of discussion for your AAPE parents.
We’re trying to nail down down a date to host an emergency preparedness meeting just to discuss that with AAPE families. What is your new “natural disasters” to watch out for?
apparently, it’s heat stroke…. it’s only 96F here; but, i guess it’s all relative. i haven’t noticed anything else. yet. lemme know if you need help finding speakers for the meeting.
We’re going to invite Leslie Allfree do host the lecture. She teaches CPR and babysitting classes, but includes responding to food allergic reactions. Thanks for the offer though! I’ll take you up on it in the future!
great choice for a speaker!! i wish i could attend the meeting. the molecular testing will make the packing strategy more helpful in the future, too!
I believe a few in our AAPE group have already tried molecular testing at Stanford, so I am anxious to learn more so we can have a decent conversation.