Food Allergy management in it’s finest of hours: check out Luann’s Five Point Plan she uses for her son! Luann is a life long friend who co-found the Northern Nevada Asthma and Food Allergy Parent Education Group (AAPE) with me and is one of my food allergy go to girls. She recently emailed me her Five Point Food Allergy Plan and it is too good to not share! Luann’s plan can apply to home, school, church and other environments/situations. This is her families road map to managing food allergies. So, here it is!
Five Point Food Allergy Plan:
1. Epi-Pen®/Emergency Kits: One must be within 50 feet. (This can be on child’s waist). Second kit should be quickly accessible (less then 1 min away).
2. Trained Adult:
• Has been trained in food allergy prevention strategies, signs of anaphylaxis, and emergency treatment.
• Has to has available attention to notice sings of anaphylaxis.
• Has to have the ability to put sole focus on care of Child during an emergency (ie. without jeopardizing the safety of other children in their care).
• Should remain “accessible” to child at all times. (like in ear shot, not in another building)
• Should have cell phone or less then 1 minute access to a phone for 911 call.
3. Environment:
• Routine Environment prepared to be as nut free as possible, and if nuts present, trained adult needs to be very aware of prevention strategies (cleanup, no food sharing, hand washing, etc.)
• In new environment, trained adult needs to pre-think location, then scout it out upon arrival. Pay extra attention to prevention strategies (checking neighboring lunches, goofing around behavior, etc.)
• Emergency treatment needs to be within 30 min of location.
4. Child only eats food from home or approved by parent.
5. Discussion with child about his responsibility in each situation.
• Carry his hippack at all times.
• Help remind adult in charge about carrying 2nd Emergency Kit.
• Eat food from home, and practice reading labels with trained adult, or ask.
• Quickly tell an adult if he doesn’t feel well.
• Be aware of his environment.
• Help read labels, call manufactures, and label food in classroom.
• Practice trying new (safe/approved) foods. (Expanding his “known food” exposure).
• Has a right to ask to leave a situation where he does not feel safe.
Please note that this plan was created by Luann based on her child’s health status and the environment of his school. Therefore, if you chose to create a similar plan, please review it with your physician to ensure the steps you are writing are coordinated with your physician’s direction regarding your child. Each child’s abilities are different at the various ages and stages, so what works on year, may change the next year.
Mama Luann is my nickname for my friend–she is Mama to all of us at times with her recipes and Five Point Food Allergy Plan
I like it–Simple and easy to follow! Good post! 🙂
Thanks Food Allergy Buzz! Mama Luann is one organized gal and I just had to shout it out there.
Great stuff! Sharing! 🙂