Kudos, hats off and a big bow go to the University of Utah School of Medicine for producing this impressive FREE life threatening allergy and anaphylaxis education guide for schools: A Shot to Live. I learned about this amazing program from Michelle Fogg, President and founder of the Utah Food Allergy Network (UFAN), helped create the A Shot to Live, Prevention and Management of School-Related Anaphylaxis online training program which was presented during the 2012 American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) National Conference and is now being used by other states to train school staff. UFAN administrates the program and can provide reports and track registrant names and completion/renewal dates as requested! Talk about service right? I’m just thrilled beyond words this year as more and more life threatening allergy and anaphylaxis training programs keep popping up. I can’t help but reflect back to 13 years ago when our journey began, there was very little data out there–this is simply heart warming.
image courtesy of A Shot to Live and the University of Utah
Top image courtesy of Ventriock via Freedigitalphotos.net
The Four Goals of the A Shot to Live life threatening allergies and anaphylaxis training program:
[unordered_list style=”tick”]- Help schools identify students at risk for anaphylaxis
- Develop A Food Allergy Action Plan
- Train Individuals where a school nurse is not available to know when and how to administer epinephrine
- Ensure that each school has access to epinephrine
image courtesy of the University of Utah
Good work University of Utah Medical School
Let’s go back to the FREE concept of this program. The program was funded by a Community Access to Child Health (CATCH) grant from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). Free is where I find exceptional value. The program is brief and to the point, a great supporting tool for school nurses and easily accessible. This is key! Access. My school district will offer this program and the one from the National Association of School Nurses to all school nurses. This program includes a video demonstrating usage of both the EpiPen® and Auvi-Q®. Please feel free to contact Michelle for support and/or more information: support@utahfoodallergy.org.
A Shot to Live — yet another tool to share with your school nurse regarding managing life threatening allergy and anaphyalxis
p.s. Here is the A Shot to Live Downloadable Flier
AMAZING! Going to be mandatory watching for family …and will ask son’s school staff to watch it as well. Helpful in light of the recent tragedy of Natalie Giogni. …still heartbroken over that news.
Stephanie, good idea! I liked that this program had both videos of how to use the EpiPen and Auvi-Q!
Have a fabulous Friday!
Awesome! I also love that it has the videos for the EpiPen and Auvi-Q!
Hi Selena,
Please share! The training video is really, really good!