My fingers are flying over the keyboard today as I order up and shop for my food allergy friendly, meaning, peanut free, tree nut free, dairy and egg free Easter goodies this week! I need to continue ordering ASAP before everything runs out!!! I made that mistake last year as drove from Wal-Mart to Wal-Mart in search of Gimbal’s Jelly Beans and was up late baking and making chocolate bunnies that were less than attractive but still said, “celebrate”. This year I’m talking about chocolate bunnies, jelly beans, Peeps and Skittles–so I put together a quick down and dirty list of links to share with you!
My son’s very first fancy candy were Amanda’s Own Confection’s chocolate soldiers. They were handled like gold in our household. Deemed food allergy unworthy, we hid them from my dad who lives with us. Only my son and his food allergic friends were invited to eat the “fancy” chocolates. This year the kids are going to be surprised with Amanda’s Own Confection chocolate Easter Bunnies and foil wrapped bunnies too. In our world, they have never eaten anything foil wrapped. We’re so easily pleased and entertained that it will be a HUGE treasure on Easter morning! Doesn’t take much to make us happy. Clearly, Amanda’s Own Confection holds a special spot in our hearts for providing us with one of our first “normal” holiday moments.
Food Allergy Friendly Easter Candy Shopping Ideas…(nut free, gluten, egg and dairy free ideas for sure)

Peeps – Okay, so these are really just dyed sugar, but they just scream Easter to my kids! My god-daughter makes a Peep basket each year for our Easter Luncheon. She impales Peeps on the ends of skewers that are secured into a foam brick hidden under Easter grass in an Easter Basket. She even does a day ahead to make sure they a tad “crunchy”. Yup, I can out eat any kids on Easter Sunday! You can order Peeps online or most grocery stores stock them. I just realized that on the Peep website you can find recipes too?!? Who knew?
Peanut Free Sweet Tooth – Offers a full selection from many food allergy friendly manufacturers but most of all…they offer a pre-made Food Allergy friendly Easter Basket! I just found out they can custom make Easter Baskets to find your food allergy needs! Sweet–pun intended!
Divvies – Choose chocolate bunnies or jelly beans for Easter, but I love those Bingo bars and would go for those myself! Free shipping on orders over $40 ends today, Monday, March 5, 2012.
Vermont Nut Free – My family can’t enjoy these treats since most contain dairy, but they offer a big assortment of chocolate bunnies, lollipops and gift baskets that get rave reviews!
Indie Candy – Thankfully, a reader shared this “late entry” onto my blog. Their products are free of the eight major allergens, natural–no funky dyes and their gelatin is even Kosher! I found chocolate bunnies, lollipops and watermelon gummy bunnies on their site. Looks like another winner.
Surf Sweets – These gummy candies and jelly beans would be great to add to your own Easter Basket or fill up plastic eggs! Their products are free of the eight major allergens (wheat, dairy, soy, peanuts, tree nuts, eggs, fish and shellfish).
Gimbals – Jelly Beans and Candies! These are just beloved staples in our household and fill plastic eggs quite well. We love combining the flavors to create interesting taste recipes. Once again, it doesn’t take much to make us happy.

Do you have any Easter treat favorites to share? Or better yet? A great recipe for cupcakes or a cake??? I want to make some sort of cool cake or dessert this year for Easter Sunday. I’m tired of my Easter Cupcakes. I need something new! Suggestions?
Happy Monday to you!-Caroline
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Just found your blog via the Sunbutter website. Two of my four boys have multiple allergies to peanuts, tree nuts, dairy, egg and shellfish. Last Easter, I made a “Peep Cake” that was a huge hit. Got the idea from Check out her April 2011 Easter post. She has a great picture of it. I used yellow skittles in place of the yellow gum balls. The kids loved it! I look forward to reading your past posts…
Thank you SOOOO much for sharing. I just love those silly little peeps. Wouldn’t you think an adult who outgrow that? I will check out her spot. I need a new fresh idea. I’ll post what I make! Thanks again!
Also check out Easter egg lollipops and Chocolate bunnies that are big 8 allergen free and all natural.
Fabulous! Indie is ringing a bell, but I need to go pay a visit to the site!!!
Thank Goodness you commented..I’m adding Indie Candy right now to this blog? Seriously? Watermellon gummy bunnies? You are speaking my candy language. Also, my daughter will be a gelatin hero when she shares candy made with Kosher gelatin with her friends. Thank you for your great sharing!
You are doing an amazing job on your blog!! Love your insight, humor and quick wit! You are fun to read! Will be sharing this with my friends that have kids with allergies.
See you soon!!
Thanks Michon! I appreciate your support…I really like my school nurse has a lot of great information that teachers and school nurses can use!