Of course it does!! Reuters reports in, “Second Hand Smoked Tied Again to Asthma”. Okay, the annoying element in the article title is the word AGAIN. I wonder how many times we must read these types of studies and reports before we listen? Is our challenge that we are not educating smokers enough in ways that they can understand. Or could some of the these smokers simply not care about second hand smoke? Of the one person that I know who smokes, he is always aware of others and only smokes only in private.
Peace, Love and No smoking–I love this tee shirt
I noticed only recently on a form in my doctor’s office a question was added: do you live in a home with a smoker? I was pleased to see that since I have a feeling that if I checked off yes, then I would be soon be educated on what I was doing to my asthmatic children. Even the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) offers a brochure in both English and Spanish about Secondhand Tobacco Smoke and the Health of Your Family Did you know that clothing can “off gas” tobacco smoke? Each year, I assist in my children’s classrooms and one year a while back, my daughter had to move seats since the child sitting next to her came from a household in which both parents smoked. The student “off gassed” tobacco smoke each morning and my daughter’s asthma would kick in and she would disrupt the class with her coughing. It took the teacher a few days before she realized my daughter only coughed first thing in the morning and then the mystery was solved when she moved seats. If you do know of someone who smokes around their children or others, please consider kindly offering them some information on how to stop smoking and what their second hand smoke could be doing to their loved ones.
image courtesy of the American Lung Association
The American Lung Association offers a wonderful 800 Lung Help Line (1-800-LUNG-USA) that you can call and the Help Line Center is always staffed with Registered Nurses and registered Respiratory Therapists! You can call for free to ask about lung cancer, asthma, quit smoking, lung disease and even information about second hand smoke!
I hope you are not exposed to second hand smoke and if you are, please ask the smoker to leave your air clean and to smoke elsewhere. Or better yet, don’t go where smokers are smoking-if possible!
p.s. I just wanted to share one pet peeve: why do offices send their employees to smoke in front of buildings where clients or patients must pass through to enter? Who thought that was a good idea?
This was an ongoing battle for me growing up as my mom smoked. So wonderful to read about parents like you Caroline!
It breaks my heart when I see parents smoking in car. I think if they really knew what was coming down the road, they wouldn’t do it and would seek help. I think that is what frustrates me the most: smokers often need help since it is an addiction and I wish everyone would know there is help out there!
Glad you don’t smoke!