Welcome to The Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Connection Team (FAACT)
The Voice of Food Allergy Awarenes
I have the exclusive blogging honor today to formally introduce you to The Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Connection Team (FAACT)! The fresh New Year is bringing our food allergy community an exciting new organization led by many names we all know, love, and respect! In my world, options are always a GOOD thing. Special note: FAACT did not pay me or ask me to write nice things about them. I’m typing away with my opinions and feelings propelling my fingers.
Truly, the name says it all: Connection Team. Clearly,FAACT is about connecting, supporting and guiding parents and adults affected by life-threatening food allergies and anaphylaxis in the world of food allergy education, advocacy and raising public awareness. FAACT‘s mantra is to be The Voice of Food Allergy Awareness! No matter how much homework I do, phone calls I make, foods I buy, the need for awareness is still overwhelmingly strong. Here I sit, 13 years later, still making the same phone calls, still experiencing the same frustrations as I did beginning on day one of my son’s food allergy and anaphylaxis diagnosis.
Who is FAACT Exactly?
Congratulations to Eleanor Garrow-Holding, FAACT CEO and Founder, for her vision and hard work in bringing FAACT to life and to our community. What I find exciting about FAACT is that the leadership are known individuals who have made a difference. We’ve seen their work, spoken to them numerous times, and they have earned our respect over the years. Please note: it is important to know who sits on an organization’s board, since this leadership will drive much of how and what is implemented, establishes goals and holds an organization ethically accountable.
Board of Directors: Carol D’Agnese (Chair), Jeff Duty (Vice Chair), Chris Fanning (Treasurer), Sara Shannon (Secretary), Eleanor Garrow-Holding (CEO and Founder), Brian Hom, Keith Norman, Cybele Pascal, Kelly Rudnicki, and Paul Sturkey. Yup, how many of these folks do we adore and most of all, respect their good work?
FAACT’s Medical Advisory Board consists of Matt Greenhawt, Katrina Allen, David Fleischer, Karen Freedle, Brett Greenberger, John Lee, Jane Robinson, Luqman Seidu, and Jonathan Spergel. Again, known and respected for their work.
My favorite element of FAACT is the team moving their programs, education and advocacy forward! These people are folks that I personally have leaned on to educate myself on a subject, for support or simply to watch and learn from their successes. FAACT’s Leadership all have a personal connection to food allergy and anaphylaxis; they live our lives. They get it! Joining Eleanor on this new endeavor are Amelia Murphree, Karen Harris, Yael Kozar, Nicole Smith, and Thanita Glancey. Their team is growing, so expect to see more familiar names that have moved mountains in our food allergy world.
FREE INFO. All information on their website will be free for all users! We are invited to become a Patron of FAACT. Patron Membership will be $35/yr. Upon joining, a New Patron e-Packet that will be sent electronically with education materials, education resources, e-coupons from allergy-friendly food companies, a FAACT Patron window cling (via mail), and much more.
What does FAACT have on their to-do list?
FAACT is approaching EDUCATION from a view point that is very appealing to me: they will increase the avenues of education about food allergies and anaphylaxis through technology, media and person-to-person contacts. FAACT will provide outreach, education, training and support, webinars, meetings, social media and conferences to educate both the general public and professionals.
Education will include SCHOOLS as FAACT will implement the Food Allergy Management and Education (FAME) toolkit along with the National School Guidelines developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Side note: the FAME tool kit is a winner. Note: Eleanor Garrow-Holding is a FAME board member and helped to collaborate on the CDC guidelines.
FAACT will address:
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- Civil Rights Advocacy (through their Civil Rights Advocacy Center)
- Government Relations
- Bullying
- Psychological Impacts
- Restaurants
- Support Group Development
- Youth, Teen, College/Young Adult and Adult Programs-which include grandparents and spousal and marital/partners impacted by life-threatening food allergies and anaphylaxis.
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- Camp. Popular Camp TAG will be offered in multiple locations nationwide.
- Conferences. There are four food allergy conferences scheduled for 2014 in Anaheim, Atlanta, Denver, and Philadelphia.
- Teen Conference. Two words: empowerment and inspiring. Scheduled for Fall 2014 in Chicago.
- Teen Advisory Council. FAACT is forming a teen council to help develop education materials and initiatives, write articles, and contribute to the FAACT website.

Spread the News! Image courtesy of Stuart Miles via Freedigitalphotos.net
Wow, this is fantastic news! What an incredible lineup!
Really impressive group I must say. Folks who live it and get it! Spread the news!
What an awesome way to start the new year! I am so excited and grateful that you shared with us, thank you!
Just another wonderful reason to be ready for 2014!!!!
Happy New Year Tracy!
What fabulous news as we forge into the new year! Happy New Year my little foodie!
What fabulous news as we forge into the new year! Happy New Year my little foodie!
Great news! What a way to start 2014. I have a feeling big things are in store for us allergy peeps this year!
We’re supporting and spreading the news!
New hope for all in 2014:)
Change, options and new approach is good!
I will have to check this group out more when I have a little more spare time. Thanks for bringing them to my attention. 🙂 Thanks for linking this up to my Best of 2013 link-up, too! Sounds like some great info to have for beginning a new year for sure!
Your link up parties are fun! My goal is to try one out this year! Happy New Year Julie!
The Empowerment necklace, developed by Rei of Light Jewelry Designs, raises awareness and funds for the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Connection Team (FAACT), a non-profit organization dedicated to educating, advocating and raising awareness about food allergies and anaphylaxis. The green teal color represents food allergy awareness, while the Quartz crystal provides protection along with healing properties to fortify and strengthen all systems of the body. Sterling silver chain. Standard sizes are 15″, 16″, 17″ or 18″ please specify when ordering. May be ordered longer for small additional cost.
25% of all proceeds from this original piece will go directly to FAACT. Wear it proudly to show your support or give it as a unique and restorative gift. Help support FAACT and order one today.