In the spirit of balancing a wonderful, yet sometimes hectic life, I am trying out a few new things: testing the waters of posting blogs on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays instead of Monday through Friday and carving out time to relax and exercise. As I research topics and sources to share (gluten vs wheat free or acetaminophen & asthma issues), I’m finding I need more time addressing my usual attitude of not believing everything I hear until I check it out fully. Google one topic and you’ll find a plethora of results, but which ones are vetted? Which ones are true or are worthy of reading and confirming your own thoughts? Ah, this takes time! Most of all, writing a blog, raising kids with chronic illness and eating good homemade food simply takes good old fashion balance. I noticed yesterday that my nightstand can not hold one more magazine or book! Clearly, I am out of balance with my down time.
photo courtesy of
As a parent of two food allergic/anaphylactic and asthmatic children, finding balance can get out of control quickly. Let’s face it, folks in our shoes, don’t just zip out the door to “grab a quick bite.” When I hear that term, “grab a quick bite”, I know there is more work to be done unless we are going to visit one of our tried and true favorites. For example, here is what I see in my mind’s eye in getting ready for a “quick bite”…
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- A call to the restaurant
- An explanation of life threatening food allergies
- An explanation of what I am seeking
- An evaluation if the person I spoke to understands
- An evaluate if I truly believe the kitchen staff understands and can deliver
- Making sure I pack plan B, in case we discover with fork in hand that the food is indeed not safe
Do you have any tips for finding balance?
the extra time spend making the inquiries and planning is much easier than finding time for an ER visit or funeral arrangements. my thoughts are more morbid due to my own experience, but practical nonetheless!!
on a positive note, i survived a week-long trip out of town eating at new restaurants and trusting others to care for me & my specific diet needs.
That right there deserves kudos Judie! One week of eating out? Oh goodness! You are right, extra time spent in all the places is worth it and nothing can replace proper planning. Glad you enjoyed your trip without incident!