Today we are hitting triple digits in Reno, NV! This makes me most unhappy and I guarantee I’ll be whining about missing the beautiful San Francisco Bay fog by nightfall. Until I get my family over the mountains I need to address managing the heat regarding asthma and my 83-year-old father. Here is a fabulous, short and sweet piece from CNN on avoiding an asthma attack when temps rise and dryness or humidity increase.
Most of all friends, hydrate, hydrate, hydrate and carry your rescue inhaler EVERYWHERE to beat this brutal heat and avoid an asthma attack.
I become the pushy daughter from you-know-where during triple digits temps with my poor old dad. I hound him to drink water and electrolyte drinks and sometimes he’ll feel a tad light-headed when he gardens, so I have him drink Pedialtye, which perks him right back. Although, this week his gardening efforts will be cut back to early morning! I guess this is his trade-off for living with us: he enjoys good cooking, grandchildren and activity in exchange for me getting pushy during summer.
Stay cool, stay indoors and please help keep an eye on our elderly neighbors and friends, older folks don’t regulate the heat in their bodies as well and sometimes they need us checking up on them with something cool to drink in hand.
Have a great Monday!-Caroline
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You are an angel – sweet and smart. A good example for us all.
It’s sooo easy to forget, but that Pedialtye is amazing for helping rehydrate. Stay cool…I can’t believe we’re going to have triple digits most of the week! AGH!