Per the Positive data from Synairgen’s SNG001 Phase II trial on asthma it looks like scientist and researchers across the water have been busy working on how to keep our beloved asthma sufferers from facing potentially life threatening illness when a virus hits. Every time my kids get a cold the reality is that it can turn into something fierce that can involve hospital time. Now, it looks there might be some solutions coming our way thanks to one of England’s potentially biggest asthma discovery in over 20 years!
Simply put: the purpose of the new drug is to reduce asthma systems from viruses (this common cold) that make their way down into our lungs, thus creating havoc that can lead to pneumonia and other dangerous situations.
According to Synairgen, “the trial is a significant breakthrough, as it is the first that seems to show “by boosting the antiviral defenses of the lungs of asthmatics rather than trying to inhibit rapidly evolving viruses, we can limit the adverse effects of viral infection significantly to prevent worsening of asthma symptoms in a high risk group of patients,” explained Professor Stephen Holgate CBE, leading international asthma specialist and founder of the company”.
The drug, SNG001 is getting positive feedback from the medical community in England; check out this article from News Medical: Positive data from Synairgen’s SNG001 Phase II trial on asthma. I could not find the full study online and remain a tad skeptic since the study only focused on 135 individuals. That’s not too many and I’m always a skeptic first by nature. Now, if this drug works out and makes it way over here to the US and is vetted, I would be most interested! Currently, when my kids get a cold, I leap into [typography font=”Reenie Beanie” size=”24″ size_format=”px”]”kill that cold” [/typography] mode of attack. I immediately flip into high gear of battling down the cold which includes, more rest, canceling of activities to promote the rest, better food, increased supplements intended to boost their immune systems and avoiding others who are sick too.
The only questions I have right now are:
[ordered_list style=”decimal”]
- Will this drug (SNG001) make it over the US?
- How long will take to make it over?
- Will there be more clinical trials testing this drug out beside the initial 135 participants in this recent Phase II study?
- What are the potential side effects?
Until then, here is a short list of articles on the UK’s asthma drug breakthrough, so you can read for yourself…
Pharma Times Online, “Synairgen’s ‘breakthrough’ asthma drug shines in Phase II trial”
News Medical Positive data from Synairgen’s SNG001 Phase II trial on asthma
Huffington Post UK, “Scientists Hail Asthma Drug that Prevents Life Threatening Symptoms”
French Tribune: SNG001 The New Drug ot Prevent Asthma Symptoms
Hope you are having a fun and fabulous Monday!-Caroline
[fbshare type=”button”]… this is a great article about the med. it’s technical, but gives more detailed info than the other media reports.
Will this drug (SNG001) make it over the US? eventually
How long will take to make it over? best guess from past statistics… 7-15 years
Will there be more clinical trials testing this drug out beside the initial 135 participants in this recent Phase II study? the initial clinical trial had 147 patients, but 135 of them had active cold. the med will be tested on COPD & influenza patients within the next couple of years. England has similar restrictions as the US and cannnot test on children… yet.
What are the potential side effects? the best news is that is will be an inhaled med which will reduce side effects from a pill (which must circulate thru the entire body before making its way to the lungs). side effects may be the same as with other meds that are currently used. SNG001 will likely be just one med used to treat asthma exacerbations -inhaled & oral corticosteriods are still necessary, but SNG001 will help rescue inhalers work more efficiently. there are other meds similar to SNG001, but this is the only one that has been tested on humans. for more info, see (technical jargon, but find the box at the bottom of the article).
Thanks Judie, it is good to have a medical kind of gal in our group!!! I appreciate your comments VERY much!!!
like you, Caroline, i have a vested interest in this type of med. your questions were well thought out & i wanted the answers for myself. i’m glad that you are able to share this info with a large audience via AAPE, FB, & your blog.