Every night last week at exactly 8:00pm, not a minute sooner or later, my Allergy Eats jolts alive with the most obnoxious ringtone I can find: “reaction”. That annoying sound’s job is part of my test of the State of the Air. I wanted to check it out on my phone before I ask my son to use it. From what I can gather, the Asthma Sense mission is to remind asthmatics to take their maintenance medications, track peak flow meter readings, symptoms and record usage of both maintenance and rescue meds. This little App could be a nice tool to whip out during my son’s next asthma check-up with our allergist.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-cdiIFJhYzA]
The App also tracks the results from a device, that I am unfamiliar with, called the Asthma Sense. I below is a photo from Asthma Sense’s. Thankfully, my children’s asthma has been mild over the last few years, so I’m a bit rusty on all the cool asthma devices and helpful equipment. The Asthma Sense, (I chuckle at the name–love it) seems to measure what percentage of your time is spent wheezing. The device then records these numbers for you to discuss with your physician. Interesting.
photo courtesy of Soundasthma.com
Anyway, I took the Allergy Eats.com out for spin last week and found that it might work out just fine for my son’s needs. A friend used an asthma management App a few years ago BEFORE she visited an allergist for her children since they were missing quite a bit of school due to asthma attacks. Her physician was very happy that she was able to walk in the door with a journal of information, showing the number of sick days, symptoms, peak flow meter readings and medications taken that were prescribed by her pediatrician. Doctors need as much accurate information as possible to help them diagnosis and treat asthma in addition to creating effective asthma action plans.
photo courtesy of Asthma Sense. This image is a collage of the various screens.
My two favorite features were the nightly reminders since my teenage child is as forgetful as my 84 year old father and that the App records symptoms. Our crazy weather and horrid inversion layers are pushing down pollutants too close for comfort. I can now track the impact of the seasons and weather so we can revise our winter game plan.
I also like that I can record if the maintenance medication was taken on time, late or forgotten! Nice!
There are many, many asthma Apps on the market for the Android and iPhone, just visit Google Play or iTunes! I was surprised to see so many choices. In my ridiculous resistance to technology, I was trying to hold out from using Apps, but I am finding Allergy Eats, State of the Air and Asthma Sense to be my favorite tools on my smart phone. Who knew? The only thing I would change if I were queen of the Asthma Sense app is that I would create the ability to add one or two other medications. Currently, you choose from Asthma Sense’s list of maintenance medications. My son also takes Singulair at the same time and I would love to have that specified in the reminder.
photo courtesy of Allergy Eats.com
Hope you and/or your loved ones have their asthma under control this winter! Cold weather, flu, fireplaces, candles and being cooped up in the house just don’t make things any easier for us!
p.s. The folks at Asthma Sense have no idea I wrote about their product. I want to always share with you that my thoughts and opinions are my own and what I find interesting in a product may be exactly what you don’t like. What I don’t like may be exactly what you are looking for! My hope is to share items that might help make our food allergy and asthma worlds a better place.
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Thanks for this post! I really need this
Love this app!! Although, I know there are others out there, but this one sure fit our needs.