This is horribly sad news today: a Cameron Espinosa died after being hospitalized for several days after being bitten by ants during a football game. I’m not sure if his school maintained epinephrine or if the coaches had training to determine the boy was in anaphylactic shock. Nevertheless, it is painful to see another young person die from a life threatening allergic reaction that was apparently undiagnosed at the time. I’m sure more information will be released soon, but here in the link from ABC, “Texas Boy Dead After Fire Ant Bites”.
A reporter shares today the great sadness that has engulfed Cameron’s school. (sorry about the ads)
Fire ants are notorious for causing horrific reactions. This saddens me deeply.
I knew those ants bit but I no idea they could be that dangerous. I can’t even begin to think about what Cameron’s family is going through right now.
So terribly sad :(. My heart goes out to this family.
Very, very sad and a good lesson that allergies do include insect bites.
Fire ants… the scourge of Texas. Sadly, they are dangerous to everyone -not just students. This is an unfortunate tragedy which has no one to blame. My thoughts are with the child’s family tonight.
Truly sad!
My heart goes out to the family. Losing a child is unimaginable, please know that even people who don’t know your family are praying for you.