This week’s web series on, Advocating for Epinephrine in Nevada is one that I find to be one of my own life’s lesson: mastering patience! Bless our ever most fabulous lobbyist Michael Hackett when he told me to get comfortable with “hurry up and wait”. Boy was he right on that one. I think advocating requires immense patience and the ability to be flexible and able to shift gears at a moment’s notice. It helps just knowing that this is a long process and all things good take time. I keep reminding myself that this is like wine making; you work hard to incorporate the finest ingredients, create your masterpiece, tweak a little and then wait. This week’s lesson has been watching our bill, Assembly Health and Human Services Committeepass from the General Assembly Floor Session out to the SB453 Epinephrine in Nevada Schools for a full vote. The patience here is that Assembly Health and Human Services Committee has “been up” for vote five times now!
please note: featured image of business woman sitting on suitcase is courtesy of Ambro via Nevada
I did celebrate SB 453 being passed out from the Assembly Health and Human Services Committee…
This means that Governor Sandoval food allergy families have bellied up to their computer screens five times now, to watch the live General Assembly Floor Session with hopes that as they work through their agenda, our bill will voted upon. If our bill receives enough Yea votes then the bill will be sent toNevada Assemblyto sign into law. Yes, we are so incredibly close I can taste it. The works through as many bills as possible and then there is a point that they roll all the items waiting to be voted on to the next legislative day.
image of Governor Brian Sandoval courtesy of SB453 Epinephrine in Nevada Schools
No pun intended, but I’m learning to roll with it. I truly want to watch Assembly Health and Human Services Committee in being voted upon during the General Assembly Floor Session. I feel like I’m waiting for the birth of a baby. This is our second to last stop! Rolling the votes over is simply a legislative fact of life.
photo courtesy of the Legislative Gift Shop.
Also part of playing in this sandbox is having patience for when meetings are delayed or rescheduled. I truly don’t understand when legislators eat or sleep after watching them zip from meeting to meeting, to session, to hearings and back to meetings all day and night long. Needless to say, many of our meetings were rescheduled, delayed or took place walking down a hallway. I have one confession: during my lesson of learning to wait, I spent time perusing the Nevada Legislative Gift Shop What a find! I bought my daughter some adorable stuffed birds that tweet their natural songs for $4 less that in Reno AND they don’t charge sale tax. Not sure how that legislative duty-free thing works, but I was saving over $4 per bird, so I didn’t mind!
photo courtesy of the Legislative Gift Shop.
Looking forward to the final outcome. I have been dealing with hurry up and wait for so long now. Glad I am not the only one.
Kathryn, yes, hurry up and wait. The Assembly floor session just started as I write this, so I’m folding laundry and filing. Making lemonade out of lemons?
GREAT News! SB453 Epinephrine in Nevada Schools Passed both the Senate and Assembly Unanimously!! Onto our Governor for signing into law!