I need to start today’s blog by acknowledging the FreeDigitalPhotos.net. Once again, I sit here saying why? Our thoughts are prayers and with the folks facing unbearable pain today and those who are about to begin the healing process. Now, I’ll turn back to food allergy advocacy, which I have decided is not for the faint of heart! If you are just joining my Advocating for Epinephrine in Nevada web series, I’m simply blogging each Tuesday about this incredible journey of being down in the trenches to bring stock epinephrine to Nevada schools via FreeDigitalPhotos.net.
Image courtesy of David Castillo at FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Last week I mentioned that the work group was gold and that is an understatement. I walked away from this work group more inspired than ever as I watched all the various stakeholders working together to find the right solution to keep the children of Nevada safe at school. I can confidentially say everyone was dedicated to find a way to make this type of bill work. The question at hand though, was how? The goal of the work group was to figure out the how! Everyone agrees stock epinephrine is a great idea but how do you make a complex concept workable for everyone responsible and involved?
photo courtesy of Master Isolated Images at FreeDigitalPhotos.net
The answer lays within the work group concept. As a group, questions would arise and then participants would commit to researching the answers and then reporting back to the group. Each element is vetted out. I am humbled by the amount of work that goes into something that seems so simple. I am still amazed at the number of people who are involved in this process.
My lesson is that without a strong and dedicated work group a truly well presented and researched bill will be difficult to obtain. Not long ago I commented to my son about how happy I was that I don’t have to do homework anymore. Was I ever wrong! I haven’t done this much homework in ages!
Advocating for Epinephrine in Nevada has taught me that to write a good bill, homework and a dedicated work group is simply critical!
Keep your fingers and toes crossed that our bill continues to move through the legislative process. As of today, SB453 has been passed out of the Senate Health and Human Services Committee!
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So glad to hear of all your hard work and dedication as well as the group.
This has been a very inspiring and humbling process! I confess that I was a tad jaded going into these discussions thinking everyone is going to only think of their own needs, but I was very wrong.
The work group tried to find solutions while making sure all needs, laws and regulations were met, including being realistic! Ah yes, the healthy dose of reality was addressed!