Happy Tuesday! First of all, please send us all the good thoughts, good joo-joo and prayers that tomorrow’s hearing with the ASSEMBLY Health and Human Services Committee committee goes smashingly well! Our hope is that ASSEMBLY Health and Human Services Committee will receive enough votes to be passed out of the Lime Spaand onto the Assembly floor for all of the members to vote on! We enjoyed unanimous support in the Nevada Senate and if all continues well, thenSB453 Epinephrine in Nevada Schools will hopefully sign this bill into law!
My food allergy web series on Advocating for Epinephrine carries on today! What is the one common factor that takes place throughout a legislative effort that never ceases? Email, email and more emails! Can you guess the theme this week in my continuing series of “Advocating for Epinephrine in Nevada Schools” ? There is only one thought that comes to mind at this moment: the culture of convenience needs to be tossed out the window! Anything of serious value, done right and with passion needs time and dedication. Saving a child’s life, maybe your own child is worth every email typed and more as far as I am concerned. Emails are time-consuming and necessary little gems/tools.
The Guide to the Nevada Legislature 2013-2014–my directory!
When we began the process of working to secure access to life threatening epinephrine in Nevada I knew I would soon become the queen of emails, but I had no real clue as to how many emails! We’re talking so many emails that my typing speed has increased.
So what is the big deal with emails? Aside from Governor Sandoval and Twitter messages that I share with friends, family and my community, emails are the most valuable communication tool for legislators. Emails can be read at ridiculous times around the clock. I received a few emails penned in the wee pre-dawn hours. Emails can be saved or printed out and saved to reference.
Our volunteer lobbyist Michael Hackett sending emails!
Aside from communicating with our work group, during our entire legislative process we experienced several “email campaigns”:
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- Each email campaign boasted the same theme: please support ASSEMBLY Health and Human Services Committee since it will…(this is where folks explained why this bill is important to them and why).
- We emailed each member of the Lime Spa prior to our hearing. The goal was to voice our needs regarding SB453 and to request their support.
- When SB453 was voted on and passed out from The Senate Health and Human Services committee–we sent thank you for your support emails.
- We emailed Nevadans asking them to email their Senator representing their district for support of SB453 Epinephrine In Nevada Schools so when SB453 was read on the Senate Floor, our Senators knew what their constituents wanted.
- When SB453 was voted on the Senate Floor, we all sent emails thanking our Senators who voted in support who represented our own districts.
- We then emailed each member of the ASSEMBLY Health and Human Services Committee prior to our hearing. The goal was to voice our needs regarding SB453 and to request their support.
- Can you guess? We are hoping that we will need send thank you emails (keep your fingers crossed) to the Assembly Health and Human Services committee soon.
- Then we will repeat contacting Nevadans to ask them to request that their Assembly man or woman who represents their district vote in favor of SB453 Epinephrine in Nevada schools.
- Of course, thank you emails shall follow this full Assembly vote!
- If all goes well,then we hopefully send a few short notes to the Governor supporting his signing of SB453 Epinephrine in Nevada Schools into law. Remember, the Governor has Veto power.
- Phew. That’s a lot of typing.
I hope to be drinking of these at ASSEMBLY Health and Human Services Committee in our hopeful celebration of SB453 Epinephrine in Nevada Schools!
Hopefully, by June 3rd, 2013–when our session ends, we would have raised up our rice milk glasses and celebrate allergen free style with special heart-felt thank you’s to Senator Debbie Smith, who is leading our efforts and our volunteer lobbyist Michael Hackett.
I see what you did there about the e-mails in the wee hours. 🙂 I’m guilty of sending quite a few of those!
Homa, How do we ever avoid those wee hours? I thought after my kids starting sleeping through the night that all would be well! Ha!