We know not to mix drinking and driving. Now, I believe that Acetaminophen and Asthma might not mix either! Back March, 2012 I wrote a blog post regarding recent reports about Childhood Asthma and Acetaminophen. I felt this was worth mentioning again since I just broke my own rule last week and suffered. Fighting a cold and traveling home from the Mylan Social Media Blogging Summit(I post about this on Friday-it was amazing meeting Dr. Ruchi S. Gutpa, Sloane Miller and several bloggers that I adore and admire), I felt cruddy as I boarded my plane heading West. So, searching through my purse I found DayQuil Cold and Sinus Liquid Caps. I took the pair, hunkered down for a nice long nap and then woke up coughing and feeling worse!
I immediately emailed one of my favorite local allergists begging for the an appointment the next day since my coughing and chest congestion worried me that I might have asthma. My fears were confirmed, indeed I do have asthma (hum, do I thank peri-menopause for developing asthma at this age?). I broke my rule by taking Acetaminophen after I had emptied my medicine cabinet back in March but not my purse. Without thinking, I took the DayQuil! I had taken an Advil Cold and Sinus tablet the day of the Summit and felt pretty darn decent, better than the previous day.
Moral of the story: if you are asthmatic (or food allergic), please check in with your physician regarding acceptable over the counter medications. I decided to post again on this topic after speaking to my friend Linda last night, who has asthma and the flu right now. Her physician was careful to remind her NOT take Acetaminophen to reduce her fever.
Thank you for the warning about acetaminophen and asthma, which lead me to do more research! I don’t understand why there isn’t the kind of asthma warning on acetaminophen, the way there is on ibuprofen. Between what the research shows on A and the label warning for I, I am just not sure what I can give my asthmatic child for a fever. :O I guess what will be on the list of questions at our next allergist appointment…
Agreed! It’s confusing to say the least! That is on my list as well. I was looking at Motrin today for my kid’s and am just confused! Both are sick..fevers, sinus infection and flu!
Oh, no! I’m so sorry they are sick! I hope they are all better, VERY soon! (((HUGS)))
I am hoping today is the day their fevers break!