Once again, I am honored to host this wonderful opportunity for those of us managing life threatening food allergies to gather in cyberland to enjoy blog posts that we might not normally have on our food allergy radar. Grab that cup of tea, coffee or wine and settle in for some interesting reading!
Photo courtesy of Easy Breezy Life
Easy Breezy Life shares a very heart felt and honest reaction to her child’s food allergies. What I appreciated was her honesty about her emotions, check out, “Food Allergies: There is a bright side”.
photo courtesy of Seven Year Itch
Seven Year Itch shares one the most exciting blogs I’ve read in a long time! I don’t want to give away any of the good stuff, but let’s just say, “Graduation Day,” is something we all hope and pray for! This blog post is very inspiring and addresses how life can change via Oral Immunotherapy.
photo courtesy of Smart Allergy
Smart Allergy’s positive energy just shined so bright in this upbeat blog post, “Focusing on What YOU Can Have or Can’t! It’s All About Attitude”. I am a “the glass is half full girl” and this blog is just that! She shares awesome snack ideas while proving that attitude makes a huge difference.
image courtesy of Food Allergy Fun
I am a HUGE fan of Food Allergy Fun, so I was thrilled to see this submission! Inspired by the recent flub up by Nick Mom, Tiffany created a fabulous comic in, “Bake Sale-Food Allergy Cartoon”.
photo courtesy of Easy Breezy Life (many recipe can be found on this site)
Easy Breezy Life wrote a piece so many of us food allergy parents can relate to in, Multiple Food Allergy Help. In a very honest voice, the blog post details that one moment in time when he son trots off to reading time at the library…sans Mama and what goes through her mind!
photo courtesy of Frugal Food Allergies
Jenny from Multiple Food Allergy Help really makes it personal in, “Frugal Food Allergies. Her post is not directly related to food allergies, but what stuck me about this post is that despite her family’s battles with cancer, she still forges on with food allergies, EoE and Eczema and works hard and passionately to share information to other families. The post truly showed how our lives have many other challenges while managing life threatening chronic illness, yet, we soldier on.
Food Allergy Sleuth wrote this beautiful post about finding some,Food Allergy Sleuth. All of us food allergy mama’s can relate to this one. I don’t want to give away the story, but it made me smile. Alot.
photo courtesy of Food Allergy Sleuth
I personally follow the Food Allergy Sleuth, I confess that I am in awe that she is a scientist and a food allergy mommy. I appreciate that she works to help bridge the gap between medical knowledge and us lay folk managing life threatening food allergies. Her post, Tasteriesheds light on some very important terms and meanings regarding scientific meetings by taking time to help us understand some terms. Her explanation of Peer Review was the best I’ve ever read.
photo courtesy of Tasterie
Tasterie, a company and blog site that I consider true food allergy problem solvers, shares insight on food allergies being recognized as a disability. “Maya’s Happy Place pushes us to look closely at what happened at Lesley University recently.
photo courtesy of Maya’s Happy Place
Maya, from The Americans with Disabilities Act and Food Allergies. (I just love her blog name to pieces), shares what I consider to be a very historic moment for folks with food allergies in: Intimacy and Food Allergies-Part I
Maya also shared an extremely personal, first hand story about the dangers of kissing with food allergies and what happens if you don’t share about your food allergies. I admire her courage to share her story, not an easy one for many to write about and I truly appreciated this piece, www.Natural and Free, since I have a 14 year old son who is beginning to date!
photo courtesy of Oh Mah Deehness
Old Blog Carnival and past hostess, Homa, author of Oh Mah Deehness (love that name) shared a post about food allergy Care Giver training in her town and a bird’s eye view of what is happening in the world of food allergies. Check out, “Food Allergy 101 Caregiver Training,” to learn more!
photo courtesy of Natural and Free
Julie, from Alernative Names for Soy and Soy Free Foods! shares a great post offering an extensive list of the various Alternative names for soy and nice long list of soy free foods! Enjoy: Food Allergy Assistant
Epinephrine and Products
photo courtesy of Food Allergy Assistant
Joanne, from “EpiPen vs Auvi-Q …and I Mean That in the Nicest Way”. penned this article that I enjoyed and am very happy she submitted it to our Blog Carnival! With the introduction of the Auvi-Q, more choices and have arrived and Joanne brings us through looking at both the Auvi-Q® and Epipen® in, Chemurgy and Allergens
photo courtesy of Chemurgy and Allergens
Chemurgy and Allergens provide a very eye opening list of Eczema Skin Care products that contain nuts! I truly appreciate this list since a few days ago I had to use a magnifying glass to read a shampoo label only to discover that Prunus Dulcis is almond oil! Their blog post, Our Life as an Epi Familyis a worthy read for any nut allergic person. At the bottom of the post, Chemurgy and Allergens provides links to other products that contain nuts, such as cold sore treatments!? By the way the websites educates us, “Chemurgy is the making of industrial products from crops and crop by-products”.
Food and Travel
photo courtesy of Our Life as an Epi Family
Summer is coming soon, so this blog post from, “Disney Magic Makes Food Allergies Easy,”is quite timely! I really enjoyed this joyful post as the “Epi Family” explored their love of Disney and family togetherness! The best part of, Learning to Eat Allergen Free is that their family truly enjoyed a food allergy safe trip. The goal of all of us!
photo courtesy of “Buckwheat Maple Crackers”
Let me be upfront here: I am a HUGE fan of Colette Martin and her new cookbook, Learning to Bake Gluten Free. So needless to say, her sharing of her post, Food Allergy Assistant is thrilling! Especially since I’m trying to move my family away from processed foods.
Food Allergy Assistant share with us another nice post about eating out with Food Allergies and the risk involved. It’s all about planning. She also shares some very valuable tactics for choosing a restaurant in, Frugal Food Allergies
In true frugal fashion,“Banana Chocolate Chip Breakfast Bars” provides a yummy looking recipe for, Paleo and Salicylates. They look gooey and tasty while being dairy, gluten, peanut, tree nut and seed free! One of my favorite combos.
The Food Allergy Mom has shared this darling Peanut Free Owl Cake that can be adapted for those who can eat Gluten, “Peanut Free Owl Cake (can be made Gluten free). What I really enjoyed is that she presented the owl on a silver platter and made from cupcakes!! How cute is that?
This blog post is all the way from Australia from a Paleo diet blog site. Several friends of mine follow Paleo and other than the nut and sugar part, they are eating like my some of my food allergic friends! They avoid dairy and gluten. Today’s post is about the Paleo and Salicylates sensitivities: Live It Magazine.
photo courtesy of Live It Magazine (online)
Live It Magazine has me drooling over their post, Allergy Free Cooking Baby that is gluten free, dairy free with a nut free options (coconut milk instead of almond milk). There is a secret ingredient that blew me away and I will going to try this out since I have that secret ingredient in my fridge right now!”
Photo Courtesy of Allergy Free Cooking Baby
Allergy Free Cinnamon Bun shares a fabulous recipe, complete with options to go gluten free or not! What impressed me is her site focuses on dairy, gluten, soy, egg and nut free recipes! I shutter when I think of how hard it would be to bake without dairy and soy, but alas, I’m weak and there are folks taking this on by storm! Her Food Allergy Buzz Recipe looks quite yummy!
THANK YOU FOR JOINING FEBRUARY’S FOOD ALLERGY BLOG CARNIVAL! If you would like to host a Blog Carnival too, please leave a comment below and I’ll put you in touch with Food Allergy Buzz who leads this charge.
UPdate: Here is Jennifer’s contact data for hosting the next Living with Food Allergy Blog Carnival: jenniferATfoodallergybuzzDOTcom.
Thanks so much for hosting! So many great posts–I can’t wait to read them today. For anyone interested in submitting a post or hosting an edition of the Living with Food Allergies Blog Carnival, please feel free to write me directly, jenniferATfoodallergybuzzDOTcom.
I really, really enjoy Blog Carnival. There are so many wonderful viewpoints out there that I simply miss left onto my own devices!
Jennifer, I just updated the Carnival with your contact data! Thanks! I forgot to ask you for it earlier.
Great carnival! 🙂 Thanks for hosting and for the feature! I hope to have more time to check this out later! Great stuff! Thanks again, Caroline!
It’s a nice and long one…wait until you have a fab cup of tea in your hand. Thanks for participating!
Any time, Caroline! 🙂 Looking forward to just that later! 🙂
Beautifully done, Caroline! Thank you for organizing all these articles into one easy-to-read piece.
I do like this blog carnival! Can you tell?
Thank you, Caroline for hosting and for such lovely intros! So many great posts, so excited to read!
Wow! Yes, I agree about all of the wonderful intros. Such a fun variety to read through. It’s great to be introduced to some “new” blogs! Thanks again!