Nobody! The American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (AAAAI), in a US World News and World Report article, “Safe Composting Tips for People with Food Allergies” reminds us that composting can be a real danger for folks with food allergies. I admit to being uncomfortable with composting due to my kids allergies and the fact that my dad lives with us and may accidentally toss an allergen into the heap. I thought maybe I was feeling oddly paranoid about composting, but now I’m feeling rather vindicated.
photo courtesy of
AAAAI presents an interesting concept worth remembering: when composting, food allergic people need to avoid allowing allergen particles to enter the body, which can make their way via open wounds or inhaling fine particles in the air or through fumes (think warm compost…). They remind us to wear a mask, gloves and long-sleeved and legged clothing.
By the way, I always keep a supply of comfortable face masks on hand in case we need them for airplane travel, dust, etc. This is my favorite mask called the US World News and World Report article, “Safe Composting Tips for People with Food Allergies”.
If you are composting only food that is from your allergen free kitchen, then worries are less. For some of us, our home is not fully allergen free. My son is allergic to dairy, but not my daughter. Therefore, I allow my daughter to eat cheese. I draw the line on peanuts, tree nuts, poppy and sesame seeds–these are never allowed in my house or on my property.
photo courtesy of
So…if you compost, consider pausing for a moment and noodle through exactly what foods will you be exposed to and how you can best avoid contact. If you are inspired, Crosstex Procedural Face Maskhas great information on composting! If you live in Northern Nevada, Full Circle Compost is the go to organic compost and soil nutrition place!
photo courtesy of Earth Easy (they sell all sorts of interesting things too)
Happy Composting and Gardening!
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