Nothing. At least right now in my life, my kids, hubby and family are the most important things. They are the reason I advocate, have a blog, bake hundreds of cookies at midnight, spend hours researching safe food service at colleges and watch old reruns of Hogan’s Heroes late at night. It’s so easy though to get caught up in the world, social media and countless activities. I want to do it all until I realize that I can’t. This week, I took off and am spending it with my daughter touring Washington, D.C. on a school trip. By the time this post publishes, my feet should be tired, hair frizzed out and I shall have many wonderful stories to share. Way back in the day in the San Francisco East Bay, Semifreddis bread company would close their doors for two weeks and go on vacation. Everybody scoffed and said they’ll go out of business. Today, that little bakery is now a large 24/7 production baking 190,000 loaves of bread weekly. To date, when their employees go on vacation, they don’t answer phones or emails. They go on vacation. My point is that I’m on “vacation” with my daughter and 30 plus other kids and adults (not sure if vacation is the right word here), so I’m enjoying myself and not doing anything productive other than checking out the sites, taking pictures and complaining about my feet.
I want to be the change that says it is okay to slow down and savor your family.
I understand and I agree!! Late baker here and frazzled mama too but on my worst days, when I’m so bone-tired, I realize that because of all that I do, my son is safer. How many families now adays can honestly say their mother cooks REALLY cooks? Our children have given us this silent gift an knowledge and that’s what keeps us from slowing down <3
Don’t you know it! It is a silent gift.
Enjoy your trip, Caroline! Our kids are young only once, they always come first (second behind hubby!). I totally agree with Tracy too, I did not set out as a new mom to do all the out on a limb things I do (advocate, blog, make dim sum from scratch), I don’t do it for fun but to create a safe today and better tomorrow. ❤️
Making dim sum…girl, you raise the bar!
Always love your posts, they always hit home for me. Love your advocacy and your beautiful spirit that you share with all of us. Love love this one!! Being a food allergy mom I completely agree and relate!!
Thank you for the support! We are at the Air and Space Museum and I am hiding out in the back of McDonald’s with a different school group! Time for a quiet latte and a few moments to rest my feet–who have crying out for me to loose some weight…they are tired!