Listen in to EPI-sode #23, “Epinephrine Products that Save Lives and Make Life Easier presented by Parenting Food Allergies with Sue Webb.
Supporting my love of talking and the commitment to spread information that people managing food allergies might find important, the Parenting Food Allergies Podcast invited me onto their show to talk about the different epinephrine auto-injectors, carriers and awesome tips. Sue Webb, the host and food allergy parent extraordinaire shared some fantastic tips I wish I had known about. Webb’s style is honest, friendly and real while remaining professionally dedicated to vetted information.
We not only chatted about how to carry, but ways to find discounts, sliding scale clinics and access to affordable epinephrine auto-injectors. In my town, some clinics also host their own pharmacies, which dispense EpiPens® at very special low rate to those that qualify. Finding these types resources can be the difference from be prepared for a reaction and not having rescue medications on hand.
Next time you are driving, doing laundry or taking a walk, I hope you listen in!
disclaimer: Always check in with your physician regarding which rescue medications should be carried and if any other additional information or instructions would be stored in your carrier or holder. I was not paid by the companies I mention on the podcast to speak about their products or services. I’m trying to offer up information my readers might find useful.
Thanks for the shout out Caroline! What an awesome podcast!!