This last week was a hysterical as a Rich’s Specialty NUT FREE cookie fight broke out in my house. The big bonus about the cookies is that they were store bought AND every single ingredient used is purchased from nut free suppliers and the cookie factory was built from the ground up to be a nut free facility. You might find the Rich’s Nut-free Sugar Cookie weblink interesting. This product was produced in part due to the results from a recent survey about nut free needs and solutions.
photo courtesy of Rich’s Products
Disclaimer: I was not paid to review these cookies or asked to fall in love them. My goal is to share items I stumble upon that I believe might be of interest to our food allergy community.
Cookie Victory. I was the cookie war victor only after I whipped out the tape and wrote a threatening message on the cookie container. We are always on the hunt for mainstream, grocery store bought nut free treats that NON-FOOD ALLERGIC parents can purchase. I am can easily bake for school events, etc., but it is much harder for friends and classmates to find items that will include students. My post last week, Dear Teacher of My Food Allergic Child was about exclusion within the classroom and it became obvious that we need inclusion solutions. Products that parents can easily purchase in the grocery store are like gold. The cookies were soft and crumbly with a sweet icing. I enjoyed the texture and it was the perfect companion to black coffee. I have always fancied sweet cookies that replace the sugar in coffee or tea and compliment hot beverages. The cookies met my kid’s sweets tooth standards with the bright colorful icing while meeting my needs for a partner for my afternoon coffee.
This container was full for all of 3 days!
When I received the box, I immediately popped open the lid, took one bite and devoured the cookie. My mission was clear as I promptly ground fresh Honduran coffee beans and made rich, delicious french press coffee: I needed more cookies with good coffee. Soon after, the cookie wars began. Cookies were mysteriously disappearing from the container on my desk. It was as if the cookie gods opened up the skies and the angels of sweet sang! No one could enough. Every time I pass my desk, one or two would be gone with out a trace crumb to be found. I had to finally tape the lid down so I could save the last four cookies to photograph for this post.
Update 6/16/14: Thanks to reader Sue, we have discovered the right phone number for Customer Care regarding these cookies:
(800) 356-7094 US
(800) 263-8174 (option 6) Canada
Have you discovered these cookies or other store bought treats that are nut free and using only nut free vetted ingredients?
Those look AMAZING! They aren’t dairy-free though, are they? Doesn’t hurt to ask 🙂
They do contain dairy. But. …we can only hope for the future right?
Ohhh…They look like Lofthouse cookies, which I adore! I will have to be on the look out for these! Where did you find them?