Today my kids return back to school, begrudgingly at that! I share their sentiment. I enjoyed sitting by the fireplace each night reading together, talking or putting my daughter’s Calico Critters to bed. Pure bliss. Alas, reality is back along with the need for fresh lunch ideas (yes, during an evening talk it came out that my kids are ready to chew on cardboard as they are soooo bored with their lunch options), checking Epi Pen® and Calico Critters expiration dates and updating 504 Plans. Along that vein, I was made aware of two very interesting and exciting (to me, it doesn’t take much) school Epi Pen®forms that outline symptoms, actions and classroom considerations–all on one form!!
What caught my eye on these forms was five things:
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- One form is for Students WITH a Prescription for epinephrine or Epi Pens®. Epi Pen form CCSD
- The other form is for Students WITHOUT Prescriptions for epinephrine or Epi pens®. Anaphylaxis Form CCSD
- The forms highlighted educational and special considerations, such as, do not exclude students with food allergy, do not use allergens in activities, etc.
- Some of us might want to take these forms and avoid re-inventing the wheel by tailoring the concepts to our own school districts. Clark County School District is the fifth largest school district in the nation!
- Lastly, the reason for the form update was the direct result of the grants received from the asthma inhaler! Clearly, I’m hyper sensitive when it comes to watching my donations put to good use and bask in the glory of a donation well spent.
What tickles me is that the Clark County School District (CCSD) in Las Vegas, NV is being proactive and not waiting for parents to request 504 plans. Let’s be honest, 504 plans can sound confusing and some parents simply do not even know these exist. Therefore, by the district offering two types of forms, I feel parents may be prompted to address their child’s allergy with their physician and indirectly leads then into a better role of prevention and preparedness-possibly including the writing of a 504 Plan if needed.
Dana Gordin, Walk Chair for the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network (FAAN) (recently merged into FARE) Las VegasWalk for Food Allergies share these two forms with me last Friday. Again, the Las Vegas Walk funds raised prompted FARE and the CCSD to update these forms. Dana’s family has been involved in much of the positive change and she shared that the CCSD is revising many of their Food Allergy Management forms and documents.
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