Goodness gracious is all I can say! Food Allergy advocate Connie Green shared this headline with me, “Adrian Peterson says illness was caused by allergic reaction”. This is the kind of story that causes more harm than good. Apparently, the Minnesota Vikings player, with a known shrimp allergy, choose to eat in any way. His explanation, “Sometimes I love shrimp so much that I go against the grain sometimes. I always make sure I keep an EpiPen with me.” All I have to say is thank goodness he is no longer a spokesperson for Mylan. What an epic fail as a role model for children with food allergies. In all fairness, maybe this is not Adrian’s goal and he was not thinking about how his words might impact children.
No need to comment further other than I used this piece as lesson for my children of what NOT TO EVER do…grumble, grumble.
Epic, epic fail! All the more reason to vet and educate anyone in a role model, educator or spokesperson capacity. And by education… it’s not just education about food allergies, but ensuring the understanding the reach, depth and breathe of all of their actions as all eyes are watching.