Today, April 10th is National Call In Day: Lung Cancer Research Funding for the National Institutes of Health! Join me, thousands of Americans and the American Lung Association’s National Call In Dayin making a fast call to your three Representatives in Congress (two Senators and 1 Congressman/woman) by clicking on this link and searching with your zipcode: American Lung Association. Ask them to support increased funding for Lung Cancer Support! We simply need more funding and research to help fight this horrible disease. I personally have lost very close friends to this hideous disease-one was a smoker and the other a non-smoker. Let’s make a difference together by picking up the phone and using up only three to five minutes of your time.
Here is sample conversation:
My name is Joe the Man and I’m calling from Reno, Nevada
I’m calling to urge Senator Heller to support increased funding for lung cancer research at the National Institutes of Health.
Lung cancer is the leading cancer killer in the U.S, killing nearly 160,000 people every year. And the number of women dying from lung cancer each year is still rising.
Additional research for treatment, prevention and patient services is long overdue. We need more funding for research so that surviving lung cancer becomes the norm instead of the exception.
Can I count on Senator Heller to fight for additional funding for lung cancer research?
Thank you.
photo courtesy of
Thanks for being part of the solution and change by Participating in the American Lung Association’s National Call In Day! I hope you have a little skip in your step today as you enjoy the good deed you just created on behalf of our children and citizens.
p.s. In case you didn’t know, I am a passionate American Lung Association Volunteer!
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