Oreos have been the one junk food treasure that lasted over the years with my family. In a pinch, a teacher, coach or friend could run out to a grocery store and a grab a non-peanut butter flavored Oreo safely to meet our allergy needs. California support group leader Vivian shared on facebook last night that Snack Safely has updated their Safe Snack Guide and noted that Oreo Mini’s now post a warning label. I jumped on the Oreo website to engage in an online chat with a representative to confirm this change over. Although, the rep could not verify each product for me, she clearly outlined their allergen policy, their use of may contain labeling and detailed how Mondelez International (the producers of Oreos) interacts with suppliers of ingredients used. Apparently, Mondelez survey their ingredients purveyors for cross contact issues of ingredients purchased. I often turn to Snack Safely for more information to help me make food choices. Bottom line: we all need to do our own research to ensure our choices meet our own specialized medical and health needs–meaning, do you your homework, but seek out information from manufacturers and others, like Safe Snack to better understand the right questions to ask.
In their blog post, “Update to Safe Snack Guide: July 2, 2014” , Snack Safely discusses the Oreo changes and suggestions of safe Oreo options. Snack Safely has created a manufacturer partnership program to help create a pathway for those of us in need of clear labeling and the producers of food products. Snack Safely did offer suggestions of two Oreo products they feel comfortable including on their list. As we all venture into the Fourth of July weekend, remember to read all labels, check out the Safe Snack Guide—my family rule is to read twice and avoid risks. It’s just not worth it when we have some many wonderful food choices out there!
Enjoy a safe 4th of July!
p.s. Disclaimer: Snack Safely or Mondelez did not ask me or pay me to mention their products or guides. I’m happy to share my experiences with our food allergy community in hopes of expanding our village of information.