The spirit of gratitude in honor of my own aching, sinus pained body, I am left with no other choice than to share one my most favorite secrets hidden in Reno, NV: Soorya Townley, massage therapist extraordinaire! Ever have one of those friends who right when you need them, they magically appear, bring you just the right stuff then quietly fade into the sunset until the next special moment in time? Well, that is Soorya, but the big difference here is that not only is she a dear friend, but her body work out of this world AND she has the best Vegan recipes on the planet!
Sorry folks, if you don’t live in Reno, Lake Tahoe or Truckee you will need to wait until you come this way to visit to enjoy the magic of bodywork from Soorya! I have to brag that Soorya used to travel with Sting on tour as his massage therapist–she is darn interesting to say the least. Last month, I took a Vick’s Sinex Nighttime Medicine that knocked me for a loop! Even though I slept well, my sinus headache remained, my neck ached, I felt foggy and I could barely get through the day. By 4pm I finally started to feel remotely human and Soorya dropped by for a glass of wine. Even though I told her I was useless, she explained, “then you need me even more!”
Soorya braving my spaced out self by the fire pit!
Insisting on my coming over so she can work her magic, I drove to house the next day, feeling like my sinuses were trying to implode inside my head, joints aching and thinking a hammer to my head would be the answer. By the end of my appointment, I was still feeling sore as she worked specifically on my lymph nodes (those were a tad painful) but feeling lighter. By the next morning, I was a completely new person. No sinus, neck or head pain and my joints were happy as could be! My father had surgery the following day after my treatment and it turned out to be the most hectic day in year (outpatient surgery, Circle of Mom’s Food Allergy Blogs voting ending, back to the ER for a minor complication and baking eight dozen Vegan banana muffins for school–all in one day).
photo courtesy of
I was in perfect form to take on the day-my body was at peace and thus, my mind was at peace and able to handle the day. I can’t even begin to think about how terrible it would have been if I had not received body work from Soorya prior to my crazy day.
Therefore, in the spirit of Christmas and gift giving (who would not want a massage from Soorya as a gift) I share with the free world, my secret to mind, body and peaceful days: Soorya Townley! I wanted to share now since you might be interested in a gift certificate or to help yourself through a hectic holiday season. You can contact her at…
775-560-9901 Cell