My love of a good sale and that my readers were given a 25% discount and FREE Shipping off of the 1st ever Asthma Certified Friendly Air Filters from Lysol has given me no choice but to share that the sale has been extended to the end of September! Okay, and the fact that the word CAROLINE is the coupon code. Lysol HVAC Air Filters are the first to be approved and part of the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America’s (AAFA) Asthma and Allergy Friendly Certification Program. I am a long time fan of this AAFA program since this is how I find my bedding and stuffed animals for my daughter. Nevada friends, since we’ve endured weeks of smoke from the Yosemite Rim Fire, don’t forget to change your filter, you’ll be shocked at what you find-this discount extension might interest you.
image courtesy of Lysol and
How to access the Sale:
[unordered_list style=”tick”]- Visit BuyFilters and use discount code CAROLINE
- Note: the filters now come in a two pack
- Shop by September 30th, 2013
Happy Saving Money on Lysol HVAC Air Filters at BuyFilters using coupon code CAROLINE!
p.s. Lysol did not pay me to post this blog, I’m just happy for the sale extension and am hoping my Reno neighbors change the filters (Lysol brand or not)! That smoke was wicked.
p.p.s. I am thinking of hosting a Sale blog in October, if your business is going to have any sales in Oct that would be of interesting to food allergy, gluten free or asthma types, can you send me an email with your information?
HVAC, or heating, ventilation and air conditioning, is how your house stays warm inside the winter and cool within the summer time. When correctly installed and maintained, you and your household get to enjoy affordable indoor temperatures all year long. Maintain reading this short article for suggestions on installation, upgrades, upkeep and repairs of your house HVAC program.