Simple procedures work for my simple mind.
If there is a green dot on it…eat it.
If there is a red dot on it…don’t eat it.
It’s that simple in my house.
We started this procedure when my peanut, tree nut, dairy, sesame seed (then also allergic to lemon, lime, raspberry, fish, shell fish, yellow dye, pumpkin and sunflower seeds) child was four years old and I was pregnant with my daughter. He was learning how to get his breakfast and serve snacks to his buddies.
The system worked great, especially after my daughter was born and our family was sleep deprived. No confusing soy milk with cows milk after 3 hours of sleep. I was far too sleepy to utilize a “safe shelf” system.
Now, 6 years later, we use this system only for the more unusual items or the ones that require me calling the manufacturer for more details or cross contact risk.
Try it…you may like it!