Bless Elizabeth Goldenberg of OneSpot Allergy (Epipen belts) and Epi Center Medical for generously offering the world’s first First Aid for Anaphylaxis: An Allergic Emergency training course for FREE TO INDIVIDUAL users! Simply click on the Take the Course for Free button. Currently, the course costs $29.95 for one user and is offered to groups (schools, business, sports teams, etc). I tested out this course when it was released and I felt it was going to be a very important tool for anyone who has or interacts with someone with life threatening anaphylaxis. The 50 minute course is divided up into educational tracks and can be taken over a period of time. At the end of each track there are quizzes to test learning. Elizabeth shared with me..
the training course First Aid For Anaphylaxis: An Allergic Emergency is free to individual users. I made this change since I can’t bear to see another life lost to anaphylaxis, and I truly hope that free access to the course will help.
Saving Lives. I am in awe and grateful for this level of dedication and commitment to saving lives. I guess humbled is truly the better word. This video was produced in Canada, so for us US types, some of the words might be unfamiliar but nothing that we can’t easily understand. For example, in Canada, soya is the term for soy in the US. Also, the protocol for the video is based on World Allergy Organization standards, and might feel slightly different. Before you change your emergency plans, personal health plans or protocol, always review any changes with your board certified allergist to confirm the best care for you or your child. Each person’s health situation is unique based on their personal health status.
Thank you Epi Center Medical for kindly offering First Aid For Anaphylaxis: An Allergic Emergency for FREE to individual users. Now this is what I call walking your talk. Bravo.
Thank you for offering this training. This is a great opportunity for everyone. Thank you!
Linda, OneSpot Allergy and Elizabeth are truly doing a great service to those with life threatening allergies and anaphylaxis. They are doing an even better service for those effected by allergies, who will know have some data about how to respond to an emergency.
This is wonderful! I will do the training. As a person who has anaphylaxis and carries not only histamine but an epi-pen at all times, I am aware of how to use it but there is always something new to learn. I will share this on my blog as well.
Hi Kathryn, when I tested out the program, I actually missed a few questions. I found that very enlightening! It’s easy to get comfortable I think.
Kathryn, Elizabeth is truly an amazing lady! I hope everyone takes this training course!
This is wonderful! Thank you for sharing it. I really hope that one day allergies and anaphylaxis will no longer be such a mystery to most people. I think its even worse that misinformation is spread by people that just don’t know the facts. Thank you again. Hopefully this will help dispel many of the myths.
Thanks for your comment. The more we all write about it, talk about it and act upon it, the myths will disappear. Thanks for what you to too!!!!