I say fresh since this talk, to me, was a new pleasant approach to educating others about life threatening food allergies. Maybe I should be using the words smooth, authentic and matter of fact? I’m talking about my son’s recent Food Allergy Awareness Presentation he made for a local Rotary International group. Watching him speak hit me in a different way, not as a proud mother, but as a student learning how to better discuss and influence others regarding food allergies. I truly was the student and he the teacher on Monday night. Cyrus did not lecture his students, he partnered with them. He captured the room’s attention without drowning them in stats or pity while authentically telling his story. Our story.
No stats shared on Monday, but the message was loud and clear-life threatening food allergies are dangerous
Cyrus did not write a speech or discuss with me prior to the event what he was going to talk about. He did not do extra research, nor did he offer a power point or handouts. He simply spoke from his personal life experiences and goals for those, like him, who are living with life threatening food allergies. He kicked off his speech not by stating that he had life threatening food allergies, listing his allergens or even giving one impressive statistic. He simply asked who knew anything about food allergies and asked for a show of hands. Then he explained that everyone who raised their hands will have a different understanding of food allergies. He detailed how everyone’s food allergy situation is different too. Therefore, they all need to ask for more details from their food allergic friends and colleagues. They needed to learn more he explained. Cyrus shared that if he consumes an allergen, his throat will close up and he will suffocate. He did not say, “get sick” nor did he sugar coat it–he was very matter of fact about the possibility of death. Cyrus discussed how some of his friends are like him and others who will go into anaphylactic shock if the folks at the other end of the table opened up a bag of Peanut M&M’s. Thus showing why attendees need to learn more.
He shared one very powerful and valid viewpoint that caught everyone’s full attention.
He asked the what scares them? Someone with knife? A gun? A high crime neighborhood, etc? He then explained that walking into the room where he was speaking in was equally as scary for him. You see, explained, attendees can stay out of high crime areas and mostly avoid the things that scare them. Walking into an office, a movie theater or classroom present the same exact possibly life threatening danger. Cyrus explained that he didn’t know what was going to walk into that night. He explained cross contamination and why this is important for EVERYONE to understand. We all understood his message loud and clear: people with food allergies live in constant danger-this disease is serious.
Hope then entered the discussion as Cyrus explained that he recently asked for people to respond to several surveys he launched for a project that he hopes to launch at the end of June regarding food allergy education. Cyrus wanted to better understand what people need and how they are feeling regarding life threatening food allergies and anaphylaxis. He talked about why he is dedicated to educating others and how his goal is to make an impact. He showed them Auvi-Q® and EpiPen® trainers and passed them around for the group to examine. He described how these little devices were the difference between life and death. The group asked many questions and then concluded that there was hope in youth. They felt hopeful for those with life threatening food allergies and our community as a whole. He authentically led his audience to get behind him and support everyone managing life threatening food allergies. They did not pity his life, they became part of his community on Monday night.
What special points do you make when educating others about food allergies that have elicited a positive response?
You must be so proud! It seems that he really reached his audience in an effective way!
I am not a fan of puberty, but I must say that at the end of the hormonal day, it is an amazing process to watch a human grow from baby to someone with strong beliefs and thoughts.
Heh, I can only imagine!