Researchers at Northwestern University in Chicago need your thoughts and time. Be a BIG part of the solution by stopping and helping out. Isn’t it lovely when we can help researchers without having to leave the comfort of our home?! I ask you to consider taking a short break out of your day to make a difference to support food allergy treatment research by sharing your opinions.
Here the details straight from Northwestern…
“Researchers at Northwestern University are currently conducting a study called “Parental Therapy Preferences for Children with Food Allergy”. To participate in the study, they are asking parents of children with food allergies to complete an online survey about their thoughts on possible food allergy treatments and the desires of their child with food allergy.
This study aims to better understand the needs of patients and their families when deciding on a therapy in order to improve current and future therapy options.
All responses will be confidential and anonymous. Participation in this study is voluntary, and you may end the survey at any time.
Please click the link below to complete the survey. Thank you for your time and support!
This is a pilot so if you have feedback on the questionnaire, please send your thoughts to Mary Siracusa at mary.siracusa@northwestern. edu.”
Please share this survey and encourage others in our food allergy community to give a few minutes to share their thoughts. I took the survey and I must admit that I am very curious to learn about their findings. I feel information like this will help drive treatments as well. The survey also helped me to actually pause and to confirm not only my thoughts, but what my children are seeking. It is very intriguing to say the least!!
Again, please share the survey link!