Last weekend was a wide range of emotions: my baby girl turned 13 with a big fun bash of girls celebrating, my son and old childhood friends celebrated their upcoming high school graduation, a dear friend passed away suddenly and I was honored to receive the 2016 FARE vision Award for Outstanding Advocacy Impact. Talk about a roller coaster of feelings, thoughts, sadness, gratitude and love. Our longtime friend’s passing reminded my family of the important roles people have in our lives. No matter how I slice it, our food allergy lives are interwoven. We are part of this village, even if our village crosses the globe and our tribesmen are people we’ve never met face-to-face.
It is as if there are thin invisible threads connecting us by way of this food allergy life. When my son attends college this year, he’ll be connected to people unknown. His village is forming and he’ll never personally know them, mostly likely will never speak to them as he reaps the benefits of their work.
His food allergy village includes…
- The team who created the Food Allergy Research and Education (FARE) College Food Allergy Program that he shared with his college the summer before he applied.
- College students who have gone before him, teaching and sharing how to navigate this new adventure.
- His allergist who is researching suitable colleagues in the local college area.
- Food Allergy parents who have shared tips for local grocery stores, housing, and other college life needs.
- Researchers who produced the studies that he will use when advocating for his safety, health and well-being.
- Advocates who have passed legislation that will impact his new life.
- Food Manufacturers who produce, label and embrace protocol to sell healthy, tasty food allergy savvy foods that he can eat.
- The food allergy friends and family who live close and have offered to jump in if needed.
- His future school, who has already indicated they would like to learn more and do more regarding food allergies and special diets.
- Organizations like FARE, Kids with Food Allergy Foundation (KFA), The Allergy and Asthma Network (the Network as we call them) and the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Connection Team (FAACT) who share vetted information that he will use when explaining his disease.
- Allergic Living Magazine (yes, insert my bias right here) for providing a mainstream resource to read and share.
- Companies like Aterica, who will be releasing tools like the VETA Smart Case for EpiPen® that he will carry and other businesses that sell functional and fun EPI carriers and holders.
- Local restauranteurs who will address his allergen needs.
- The people who post honest stories and vetted information on the internet.
- Pharmaceuticals who produce products such as inhalers, Epinephrine auto-injectors, and antihistamines for hay fever.
- Non-food allergy or asthma related friends who offer support and love.
- The food service team who will work to offer safe foods.
- The dorm Resident Assistant and future friends who will play roles in his daily life.
…and I could go on and on! The point here is that there are so many people in our village and lives that make things work. Without these tribesmen, many of us would be struggling. I have great respect and admiration for Lynda Mitchell and Linda Coss, tribeswomen who lead the way to help make my journey a better one.
The honor FARE gave me is really a reflection of our village and I’m fortunate enough to the be face this year for this award. We are all cogs in the machine and I am forever grateful for the role everyone plays, large and small. A friend offering a supportive ear or a decision maker updating policy are all important. Everyone and every action in our village matters and it is the village that is making our world a better place. We are not perfect and the road is not easy, but we are all moving forward and for that I am grateful.
Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot,
Nothing is going to get better.
It’s not. – Dr. Seuss
Disclaimer: I am a huge fan of all the organizations mentioned above. None of these fabulous businesses asked me to mention them. I’m grateful for their work and all the good things they have brought me.
You are a village Caroline. I don’t know anyone else with as much passion and dedication to making a difference.
As you are my village! Isn’t is just beautiful how we are all parts of the puzzle. Thankfully, you bring me tasty food and girl time!
Thank you for all you do for all of us with so many food and other allergies!