Yesterday, I happily read about SeaWorld’s Parks and Entertainment’s Food Allergy Friendly policy being implemented in the other Busch Garden properties and Sesame Place. This last summer my family enjoyed one of the best vacations we ever experienced thanks to the beautiful shores of La Jolla, visiting family and SeaWorld’ San Diego’s brand spanking new food allergy policy. I had excitedly blogged about our amazing experience in my blog post, “Decadent Food Allergy Dining at SeaWorld San Deigo”.
Via a partnership with the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network (FAAN), a very functioning and effective policy was developed and in action at SeaWorld San Diego. Our food not only was safe but very tasty and enjoyed by all.
Even more exciting, I just discovered that our beloved Divvies is offering darling Shamu shaped nut, dairy, egg, gluten and sesame seed free chocolates at the various parks along with other treats! With help from FAAN, over 6,000 amusement park staff were trained in managing and serving guests with food allergies. Our family enjoyed first hand this service and it just made our trip perfect! The crowning cherry on top was eating Divvies treats at the end of our day.
Today, kudos, shouts out and loud noisy hoorays go to SeaWorld, Busch Gardens and Sesame Place for working hard to include families managing life threatening food allergies safe and happy at their parks!
Take a bow kind people–you’re doing good work!
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