Welcome Food Allergy Awareness Month! Flowers for Anaphylaxis is hosting the Tributes to Loved Ones Lost online event. At first glance, I thought, well, I have not lost anyone, what can I post? But then today, of all days, I realized as I drive to the Nevada State Legislature today to testify in support of #AB158 Entity Epinephrine, I will say prayers for those lost to Anaphylaxis (this is my tradition). I need to wear waterproof makeup since inevitably tears are shed.
They are the inspiration and reason that we all do what we do. Their stories save lives. These complete strangers have changed my community.
Today I am posting my tribute to little Ammaria Johnson who was the child lost at school. She was the person who inspired me to start advocating. Her story could take have occured in my community. I don’t ever want to see those headlines again…anywhere! One death is too many. The No Nuts Mom Group blog post, “Remembering Those We Lost to Food Allergies” was updated last February 15, 2015, please note that these are only the deaths that have been shared with the media.
Those lost to allergies have touched our lives. they have made a difference.
Who inspires you to keep moving forward for Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis change? Please share below.
My 3 1/2 yr old son with multiple food allergies inspires me to help spread the word and knowledge of food allergy awareness. There are too many people in my town that do not understand the severity of food allergies and cross contamination. As a food allergy parent I witness and watch my son gracefully go through his days un-knowing of the severity–enjoying everyday, every moment of his life. He is my inspiration of how to live a happy, loving, carefree life even though he faces many challenges now and in his future. I will never stop speaking to others about food allergy awareness. I will never stop trying to educate others. Knowledge is power and a life saving tool in the world of food allergies!